Wednesday, January 28, 2009 12:01:08 AM

x x x x x

"Perfect Actions"

Arctic Tundra Test

A Perfect Place To Isolate Life Alien To Our Thinking

Rational: In the process of scientific study various instruments are used, for example, a microscope. The standard way of preparing a specimen for study is to take a clean sterile slide and place a very thinly distributed sample on the surface. Thus the analogy follows: The absolutely pristine wilderness of the arctic presents a place where one can study human life response to contact with a pure environment revealing things about that life which would normally be obfuscated in the noise and confusion of common industrialized areas; and when dealing with life forms that are interconnected, a change wrought in one element may ripple through the entire collective, this is the hypothesis and hope.

Today is June 3rd and just a few weeks left before the days begin to get shorter. After confirmation from a trusted brother in my Father's family, it is decided that I should make an effort to expand my observations of a life form alien to our western ways so people can protect themselves.

Within 48 hours of my first contact with western people, I as a westerner emerging from the Korean culture find that how I think and understand reality is now altered by my 11 years within an alien culture. Out of my experience, I have discovered many things about Korean culture that is wonderfully refreshing and these finding would be a great benefit to all humanity. I have also discovered the converse of these wonderful things and my recent writing have been focused on exposing the threat it poses to people of the west.

Separating the good and the bad is as essential as separating sharp bones from fish before consumption. A fish can be a healthy source of nutrition but a single sharp bone mistakenly swallowed can be life threatening. I believe it important to categorize the two polar opposites so western people can identify the dangerous elements while still being open to receive an aspect of Korean culture that is healthy and beneficial to life on earth. However at this juncture my people are consuming something alien to their life and are currently chocking on the unseen "bones" inherent in this life alien to their understanding.

The reason I approach the threatening aspects of Korean culture is simple due to the fact that in my brief 48 hour exposure to my people, I've found a common recurring problem; of the people I have met, they have expressing concern over matters that shock and scare them which they don't understand; further, my last contact informed me that this problem has come to the attention of the local news media and thus has become a community concern. From my perspective, it seems the ability to discern the dynamics behind the source of concern for local western people in Fairbanks Alaska is clearly understandable which could be related to my experience having lived within the Korean culture for many years.

The hour is late and the day has been long and hot. The story I began on May 28th will hopefully be continued after I get some exercise. To recapitulate the above matter, I must say that it is an attempt to explain why the far north remote arctic tundra is a perfect place to observe what is hard to discern amidst the heavily industrialized and populated areas of the world; but in this case most specifically busy places in the west. To be succinct, the dangerous faction of Koreans I began to describe are still actively assimilating anyone they can find a weakness in or if not find, certainly make and orchestrated effort to cultivate weaknesses in their hosts regardless of ethnic association. Again, it must be pointed out that it is a "faction" and not the totality of Koreans who represents a danger; to make any claim that would broadly generalize all Koreans as dangerous would be illogical, unscientific and most of all contrary to the foundation of Love for others. The prime reason this needs to be exposed is the recent negative actions of the Korean faction is acting to undermine the knowledge of that which I hold most important and that is Perfect Love. To reinforce this point, there are Koreans in Korea who recognize these rather omnivorous elements within their own collective and efforts have been made to stop this internal malignant growth; these effort to stop the malignant growth have manifested in the eyes of westerners as the underground nuclear tests conducted by North Korea.

My effort to convince my people of the connection between the two above mentioned events would need volumes to accomplish so suffice it to say for the moment that I'm leaning upon my observations from direct contact with these people over 26 years long. It is a miracle that I can understand the Korean language and speak basic Korean along with remembering all the various associate body language postures that communicate so much; I pray that I don't lose this and hope it can be used to right some wrongs.



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It Begins In Light


English Lessons

from the days when

Meaning Was Conveyed Gracefully


The righteous shall be glad in the Lord, and shall trust in Him.--PS. lxiv. 10.

Whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he.--PROV. xvi. 20.



The heart that trusts forever sings,
And feels as light as it had wings,
A well of peace within it springs,--
Come good or ill,
Whatever to-day, to-morrow brings,
It is His will.



He will weave no longer a spotted life of shreds and patches, but he will live with a divine unity. He will cease from what is base and frivolous in his life, and be content with all places, and with any service he can render. He will calmly front the morrow, in the negligency of that trust which carries God with it, and so hath already the whole future in the bottom of the heart.


He who believes in God is not careful for the morrow, but labors joyfully and with a great heart. "For He giveth His beloved, as in sleep." They must work and watch, yet never be careful or anxious, but commit all to Him, and live in serene tranquillity; with a quiet heart, as one who sleeps safely and quietly.







© Bill Watterson

Gotta Have Happy Memories

This One Has To Be The Best Yet!! Ha

Thank You Bill Watterson; Live Forever and continue to Prosper !!!

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