Wednesday, January 28, 2009 12:01:08 AM

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"Perfect Actions"

American Way

Annapurna Star Trails

Credit & Copyright : Wang Jinglei, Jia Hao


See Star Light

"Do not judge or God will judge you." I think about this with regards to my previous page and feel I must make clear that there is a difference between making a "judgment" and making an "observation." If I see people walking on the thin ice of the frozen Chena river near by, I would say that these people are doing something dangerous; making a statement like this isn't a judgment it's simply a statement of observable scientific facts. We all have five senses by which to experience the world around us, making a statement of observed phenomena is simply science. My mother had very good vision which could be considered a blessing but as everyone knows, the gift of sight can be a blessing or a curse depending upon what you are seeing.

There are other things we define as real facts of life like love and pain, yet like the wind, these things are not seen with our eyes but we can see their effects upon the world around us. My mother had a special kind of sight but like love and pain it was not seen but was experienced in what affect it had upon her life. My mother, like all humans was not perfect yet my previous page was constructed as a tool for sorting and compartmentalizing women into two groups based upon what I can see in the same way my mother could see. I'm a lot like my mother in this manner to see the world about me and though there is a dark force working through another woman to put an end to the gift my mother had, it could never be stopped by the grave and remains even to this day.

My father had a gift also and this gift is reflected in certain talents and gift associated with my mother's children. My father loved nature and the sought to express its beauty through works of art. I too like art and have dabbled in a bit of painting by air brush, photography but perhaps most through the hobby of making web pages (be they so simple) by hand,

Today is a special day as it marks my one year anniversary living a kind of life that I thank God for but will not detail exactly what it is because I can't think of anyone who would understand; suffice it to say that a year ago I went through an experience so terrible that I knew exactly way some men commit suicide. It was so terrible that the depths I was allowed to descend to robbed me of much needed sleep, removed the joy of life completely and even made the cheerful sound of a song bird sound like metal being dragged across a sheet of slate and my mind could dwell on nothing but the pain and agony brought on through a deception that landed me in a little school dying due to financial greed. My prayer for deliverance went unanswered, Though I could understand why some people have taken their lives from such an experience, I remember writing to a Christian Chat group with plea for prayer and help then turned off my computer. I commenced to get on my knees and pray the words of a hymn called "Come Ye Disconsolate" and abstained from eating. From December 28 to the 29 this agony continued as I suffered so greatly in a cold little apartment in Korea alone.

Then the morning of December 30th dawned and with it my mind and life were swept up in Light, peace and joy of the same magnitude and intensity as the darkness and pain of the previous few days but in the totally opposite direction. The sound of the song bird was intensely sweet and beautiful, the thoughts that flowed through my mind were full of goodness and light. That night I found that I couldn't sleep due to the joyful thoughts that continued to rush through my mind, but a simple prayer of thanksgiving and request for release was answered and I fell into a deep peaceful natural sleep.

From that day a year ago I have been caught up in something I can't describe but it is so wondrous and beautiful that it just brings back the title of the web domain I created that day "See Star Light." I just now checked it and the very basic and simple page still exists with few alterations since its creation. I must confess that since that day when my fall from the heights of God's presence was brought on not by some commonly understood physical sin but by the simple desire to see my family in the U.S. which I made more important than following the direction of the Holy Spirit. I was instructed to "wait" until May 2009 to try and see my family but I initiated a process of relocating my belongings from Korea to the U.S. prematurely which precipitated a cascade of events which offended not only the Holy Spirit but the very angelic beings associated with the restoration of a cataclysm of such magnitude and terror that the U.S. to this day has made no effort to disclose the event that with the same magnitude of carnage as Nagasaki and Hiroshima yet covered up and hidden. I have made an attempt to confess this holocaust unknown to the American people and it remains as the final "test of conscience" that the people of this country must pass.

After eleven years outside this land of physical birth, I have learned the history of America as God and the majority of the world knows it. I came back here with the dream of imparting the simple goodness and family love of the ancient culture of Korea to this recalcitrant country with it's egotistical pride and pedantic declaration of being under God's control. To borrow the words of the Bible, "Wisdom is known by her children." and "You shall know a tree by its fruits." With this clearly confessed and all those patriotic buffoons saying, America, love it or leave it. I must say I came back here to love the most important part of America and that is the substance of its future. I have already addressed this task in earlier writings, yet I have been told over and over ad nauseam, that my dream to impart the goodness and moral integrity of Korea into the heart of this country pathetically stumbling like a destitute drunken prostitute is a hopeless vision.

After nine months of being blocked and made to leap through hoops that people half my age would have fallen flat on their faces after dealing with, I am waking up to the fact that the power to accomplish this impossible dream is not up to me but up to the Master of miracles; if this were not the case I would have left already as God is my witness to the number of times and ways I have attempted to go back to where life is safe and morally clean. It is the hand of God that has blocked my departure and here in is the reason for this web page. What good is it to sit and record one's thought if it were not to step out of the way so the Master of miracles can do His part; it has taken nine months to discover how much I can stand in the way of His work.

Depending on Miracles

This statement is made because I must depend upon a super natural power to stay alive. I can't lean upon the ways of the world even for the basics of food or shelter. I have bills to pay like a lot of people and I have a car that is old and needs many repairs. Along with this is a painful reminder to never carry a child's share of life's burden as they are designed to develop strength and character in their life but will snap the spine of any man who lifts it off his shoulders; this all happened on a glacier in Alaska and now inside my body are rather sharp and awkward pieces of metal holding my lower spine into one piece. All of these things takes money and money is normally obtained by work. My work opportunities will soon terminate with the onset of a vacation period associated with the western custom of celebrating Christmas. The gifts I pray for at Christmas are definite heart desires which is to see God's Kingdom come to this world, my daily bread provided for, to be kept from doing the wrong thing and the power to forgive others in the way I would like to be forgiven. Only the Son of Man can see that this comes to pass.

Time is running out and I have been given permission to deliver a gift acquired in the land of my new life; like a fresh cut flower with medicinal powers, it can take root rapidly in good American soil but if not here then back where it came from. Just like His wonderful character, this process of preparation operates on many levels and dimensions at every moment. I came back to help facilitate a process that has been underway for quite some time now. All the science technology and military know how can't stop what has already been set into motion. How does this work and how does it affect people in this country?

The American ideal is based on being the wonderful land of opportunity, freedom and liberty; these are precious ideals worth dying to preserve. America was established by people who came from other lands seeking a better life; I believe in this ideal with all my heart. America belongs to a people who are very hard working, honorable, embracing a deep respect for their families and elders regardless of their phenotypic and/or genotypic signature as they endeavor to live in harmony with God and nature. The first colonist had a great idea and I think it is high time to take America out of the hands of the corrupt, the slothful, the subversive, and the dangerous intruders who have tried to derail the American Vision. It is clear that this beautiful land of America needs to have some intensive care and love. I am honored to see this chance come to fruition as the colonization process that makes America the great country it is reaches a place in time where time has an end..

It has taken 11 years for my corrupt old sensual American life to finally die in a fight against a force that intercepted me long ago. I even flew back to the U.S. to make a direct effort to join with family because they knew what I was up against but they let me fall back into the throat of a dragon from which none return. My heart is concerned for those I now meet as they look into their eyes and know that their lives will be difficult in the post colonization period but never the same. There are others into who's eyes they look and realize that they will be hard working servants without power to resist. As in Dr. Seuss the " whos" have abused this wonderful country of America and are being given over to something else which was once honorable but has been severed from the protection of the collective with its ancient hidden origin. It is necessary that this force assimilates every part of this country; it's way is the American Way. I now understand how it is all connected as a very necessary part of the Creator's plan and the reason it's necessary to secure contact with those who are one with Him. Only Pure Love is above all insuring the purity of America's future. America had native people with a particular character and ancient origins; all they needed was a few hundred years to copy some essential technology and study the ways of those who failed in their loyalty to the Way of this land.

The people in America today have no knowledge of the history outside this country. They have grown up in a country that takes many unnatural things as common place; here in is the point of weakness. A seed was planted in the soil on a land occupied by an ancient dragon by the fathers of those who live in the U.S. today and it has taken a generation for that seed to blossom and bear fruit. The dragon had many children who can smell a path of blood. It's unfortunate that many innocent children have been born in the land where the seeds came from but the harvest of the dragon has been underway for some time now. What began in blood by the fathers can't be stopped now. It's an old story made new in the life and times of this country.

In the words of one of America's great science fiction writers, "resistance is futile" and the American Way can't be stopped. As you are now so once was I, as I AM now prepare to be; a Cross to life eternally.




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It Begins In Light




English Lessons

from the days when

Meaning Was Conveyed Gracefully


Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee.--JER. xxxi. 3



On the great love of God I lean,
Love of the Infinite, Unseen,
With nought of heaven or earth between.
This God is mine, and I am His;
His love is all I need of bliss.



If ever human love was tender, and self-sacrificing, and devoted; if ever it could bear and forbear; if ever it could suffer gladly for its loved ones; if ever it was willing to pour itself out in a lavish abandonment for the comfort or pleasure of its objects; then infinitely more is Divine love tender, and self-sacrificing, and devoted, and glad to bear and forbear, and to suffer, and to lavish its best of gifts and blessings upon the objects of its love. Put together all the tenderest love you know of, the deepest you have ever felt, and the strongest that has ever been poured out upon you, and heap upon it all the love of all the loving human hearts in the world, and then multiply it by infinity, and you will begin, perhaps, to have some faint glimpse of what the love of God is.



November 28, 2009



© Bill Watterson


This One Has To Be The Best Yet!! Ha

Thank You Bill Watterson; Live Forever and continue to Prosper !!!

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