Thursday, June 17, 2010 2:44:37 PM
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"Perfect Actions"

Summit Return



Looking Over To North America's Highest Mountain

To recall what transpired in the last few weeks will be quite an event. Today was the first day since the end of May that I had the ability to post to my web page. Trying to find the words to describe what has happened between May 27th and June 11th. On the previous page everything appears so clear as the aircraft I flew in was able to gain sufficient altitude to fly over the summit of Denail (Mount McKinley); however upon my return the aircraft I flew in was a small aircraft with turboprops rather than large jet engines. Also, the winds and weather near the mountain were dangerous for smaller aircraft so this long range view of the mountain appears at a distance at an altitude nearly equal to the summit of Denali. If it wasn't for my friend (whom I had to leave prematurely) and his gift of a very nice camera, this above image would have been impossible with my iPhone.

I'm still trying to sort out what has happened to me during the last two weeks. I knew that I was warmly invited by my dear friend and brother to visit his home and stay for a three month period. He had prepared for my arrival in ways that were extraordinary and very hard to believe. He had taken pains to meticulously pay attention to everything about my life regarding the many things I lack including things like a mountain bike, clothing, very nice SLR camera, GPS, speakers for my computer, right down to the particular fruit I enjoy. I had documented everything in detail using my iPhone and was very careful to down load everything that happened during those two weeks but it was all lost in one major accident. I had stored all data on my main computer which was stowed in a large cushioned travel bag; this bag had been used to carry my computer all the way to Korea and back last February and March without a problem except for a small scratch on the LCD screen.

There is no doubt that something is happening with my life that is becoming very hard to define. As mentioned on the previous page, there was a definite warning discerned in my spirit just before departing for Korea last February 10, 2010. I remember sweating profusely as if I were getting ready to walk to my exicution.on the days of February 7 and 8. During my visit with my friend I began to become aware that I was simply staying alone in his house most of the day as the weather in that part of the world being unlike the warm arctic summer I had left behind had become cloudy and cold. After nine months of winter being cold in the summer is quite difficult. The weather wasn't the odd part but rather the fact that I was alone most of the time and after a long day at work my friend came home and simply wanted to eat his supper, watch some TV and relax; when the reality of embedded metal in my spinal column began to affect my life with its shadowy dark pain that seems to radiate out and affect the world, this was something I didn't want affecting my generous friend. I went out for a long walk on June 8 just in time to avoid letting the pain affect my friend's after work supper and relaxation time. I tried to keep it away from his life as long as I could, not wanting it to bother him.

Efforts to block this pain came down to desperate measures as I tried to pray and fast to find out what was happening to me. On June 9th I made a desperate effort to rectify the problem. What could cause such excruciating pain? I knew simply that I had left my wife behind in Fairbanks to fend for herself among the supportive Korean community; something that I now understand is "very far" from God's kind of Love. Finding it logical that if my father wasn't pleased with the my lack of proper love for my wife, it would follow that He would allow His protective hand to be lifted from my spinal bone. In the midst of great pain I made reservations for a flight back to Fairbanks using the last of my savings to do so.

My friend was very upset and warned me that the kind of actions that I was making circumvented a plan that God had laid out for me (us).All I know is from the moment of my departure many good and graceful thing preceded me including the transport of all my sports equipment from a major airline to a small bush air carrier. I am regretful that I had no way to bring all his gifts and I am also regretful that I couldn't stay the length of time he had expected; however, there was something that need to be given and not just received by me. It was an unequal equation; there I was an older long time friend from a time when my friend was emerging into young manhood, being the recipient of many wonderful material gifts, something was not right. What could possibly be not right by receiving so many wonderful and needful gifts? The main thing was I had something to give and it needed to be given in a definite way without delay.

What could I possibly give when I has so few financial resources? That gift that was possible to convey, came forth shortly before I left as we sat in a large hot spring amidst the snow capped mountains. Our conversation came down to a point where a decision on what side of the spiritual world I was coming from; he made the statement regarding the force that was operating in my life, concluding that it was of Satanic origin; a short time later back at his care he apologized for the judgment. At the time he said this, a great and awesome peace came over me and all pain vanished; the Sun came out from the clouds in all its glory and I could look up into the wonderful light of the Sun and see its purity that cleared my sights. Tears began to stream down my face as the minutes gazing into the Sun brought healing and clarity to by perception. In that time I looked back into the eyes of my friend and saw something I had never seen before. What made me leave so suddenly on June 9th? I had to leave suddenly because "A friend in need needs a Friend in deed." I could never stay in this world long, but He who sent me hides in the Light and He it is who remains forever. When my friend last visited me in 1989, I took him through mosquito infested forests of Alaska, freezing glacial rivers that turn your feet numb and lofty ice fields summits where the ice worms come out by the millions in the midnight sunlight.

In the years since I last saw him he developed a very strong desire to become a man of the mountains, and thus he settled in the shadows of some of the worlds most beautiful mountains. He spent more than ten years exploring the hundreds of summits that could be climbed in a day hike; in all the years since he left the did very well to build a life around the beauty and grandeur of nature. I went on to pursue summits of a different world, a world with summits measured not in feet or meters but in years a millennia. I climbed mountains that few will ever get to climb in their life but it was these ancient mountains that have shaped my perception and life in a world where gazing into the light of the Sun becomes like gazing into the most beautiful flower in the universe. Fools have said you will go blind by looking into the Sun; if that were so, then I would not be typing this message right now after I have laid on rocks by the ancient ocean and gazed into the healing light of the Sun for hours coming back to find that I didn't need my glasses as much any more but I did need a little more skin cream for my sun burned face.

It is said that "The eyes are the window of the soul" and what I saw that day in the hot spring made me realize why it was so urgent to reach my friend; not to simply be a recipient of gifts, but to be a channel through which a Life and Light that has changed my life could reach out and peer into something only my Father knows all about. What happened in the hot spring that day was the defining moment for why I came to this world and why I had to reach my friend.

The reason for my visit was out of the purest Love and Light and it will take merging with this Light and seeing its beauty for anyone to find their way out of the dark cave of this society in the western world.

I'm sure there is more to elaborate on but at this late hour before 11 o'clock at night the bright light of the Sun illuminates my sleeping area.

I made some needed applications for employment today and must follow up on the process tomorrow. If the doors closes then, there is a convergence of two large rivers I must visit where I can land on a special little island that lay in the path of a place from which many things depart from this world taking people into the skies; it may sound a bit esoteric but in essence it is quite literal.

Later I need to hyper link many staement above so everything makes sense. The most essential link refers to the Sun and the Light.

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English Lessons

From the Days When

Meaning Was Conveyed Gracefully


If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another.--I JOHN i. 7

God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have showed toward His name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.--HEB. vi. 10.


Wherever in the world I am,
In whatsoe'er estate,
I have a fellowship with hearts,
To keep and cultivate,
And a work of lowly love to do
For the Lord on whom I wait.




We do not always perceive that even the writing of a note of congratulation, the fabrication of something intended as an offering
of affection, our necessary intercourse with characters which have no congeniality with our own, or hours apparently trifled away in the domestic circle, may be made by us the performance of a most sacred and blessed work; even the carrying out, after our feeble measure, of the design of God for-the increase of happiness.


Definite work is not always that which is cut and squared for us, but that which comes as a claim upon the conscience, whether it's nursing in a hospital, or hemming a handkerchief.





© Bill Watterson

Gotta Have Happy Memories


This One Has To Be The Best Yet!! Ha

Thank You Bill Watterson; Live Forever and continue to Prosper !!!


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