Saturday, October 16, 2010 1:43:28 PM
x x x x x

"Perfect Actions"

Dae Han

October 14, 2010

Dae Han River In Eden's Blue Light


This is now the third month after the Convergence and life continues to readjust; perhaps it may be better to say that life begins realigning itself to a forward looking view of events and issues which lay ahead through the narrow window of remaining time. This realization is not much different than someone keeping track of all stages and signs associated with monitoring and counting the trimesters involved with giving birth. Using this analogy, it is easy to explain the reversal of time and meaning that occurred in this most mysterious event that exists in the past, present and future; again, in an analogous manner, it can be seen as a point of conception, growth and finally birth. I have to laugh as I become aware of an event that requires the independent rational skills, physical strength, and discernment of a man, yet elucidated using an analogy associated only with women. I think this is a very fortunate happenstance, as women could feel terribly left out of an experience involving an all pervasive Love that reaches out without discrimination, yet becomes accessible to a unique group of people capable of reaching heights that support the rarefied atmosphere within which the mysterious realm of ethereal moments is entered and experienced.

On June 29 conception occurred within an early morning experience on an island deep in a glacial river flood plain, and by this date in October, the first trimester is complete; I need to realize that I have a short time left before the moment of birth. Once someone touches the face of Love, it is impossible to return to a world where you can't continue touching such wonder and beauty. This is simply due to the fact that once you know what it is like being One with the Infinite, nothing can substitute for that which is perfect and eternal. The closest I ever get to touching the heart that loves every person, every creature, every star in the universe, is during the moments when I meet children whose eyes light up with joy when they hear the story and suddenly see the Light and understand just Who I met in the moments I lay in motionless peace on the second day; and as of yesterday there were tears of heart break as one student came to understand the levels of suffering that preceded being held in the Arms of Love.

I have no need to speak of religion for it isn't religion I experienced. It isn't necessary for me to mention names, for any names that are essential are easily revealed by a Father with powers to light the most distant star, move clouds. shape worlds, cause a drop of dew to form on a blade of grass, but of greatest mystery, the ability to turn death into life then give a son of His a second chance. By allowing an escape from death that fell in Love, this least of all sons was given a chance to explain The Way a people of a mysterious hidden land live in harmony with His Dance as they have for millennia; flourishing like a fruitful tree producing  fruit with its season for ripeness where Love comes to gracefully pluck that fruit before it ever touches the ground. Everyone should live life in this way reaching a stage of ripeness and one day simply vanish as Love come to take His own from the tree of life.

From this time on I must busy myself with the task of getting ready for departure; it's a difficult time as I must fight to remain in this cycle of waking and sleeping long enough to tell the secret of a people and land where the world beyond has been protected in this world for many thousands of years. I was given a chance to live in that world for eleven years and now I should make a detailed record of what it is like so the people of the west who think that divorce, guns, violence and drugs are just part of their life will find out about a place where none of these fearful things exist or are even thought of, a place where children are loved by all, a safe beautiful place; a place that it is impossible for me to live outside of. Yes, the most difficult awakening has been recently as I discovered that I didn't come back to Alaska to live and have a career but rather, I came back to Alaska for the same reason salmon spawn; to give life then surrender my own.

Departure doesn't mean dying, rather it means a time when we give up the flow that carries us through life to enter the all powerful rushing icy surge that will judge every heart; for those who flow into the convergence that tries us in a judgment designed by Love, those who know Love personally, they will find the Person of Love to be enough to save them; just like a baby who moves from the warm comfort of their mother to the shocking brilliantly white cold delivery room to find a short time later enter a joy as the warm strong hands of their Father holding them in peace.

As I get ready to head off to sleep I think about the many people who have been wondering if I'm still in this world or if I'm already dead. It's wonderful to know what waits ahead of me, to know a little about an eternal world of goodness. But what about those left behind, those who have been waiting for the moment of darkness to fall across my path, those who waited at the end of the river to watch me die. Well there is good news! Yes, absolutely there is Good News; for in that good news I know that once I'm no longer confined to this failing physical flesh, I will no longer have an anchor to hold me to one place. It's truly a wonderful thought to know that it will be possible to reach out and touch the lives of those who think about me, to know for absolute certain  I will be coming to meet everyone in a very real and very personal way. My greatest heart desire has been to go and visit all who understand and all who misunderstand. I remember a time when I flew around the world to visit my family only to find no one at the airport, all phones off the hook all doors closed; everyone was hiding, as the hours at the hotel ticked away for me. Oh how I longed to meet them and touch their lives again but something was wrong; a heavy darkness had descended upon my family and I could feel its terrible presence. I'm so happy to know that I will have another chance to visit my family again and this time no phone can be hung up and no door shut and the single deep dark pit that hold my older brother in a place that has escaped the light of the Sun will flame with a Light of a million suns.

Then there are my dearest friends who think they have been tricked or deceived; they have a love for nature which is wonderful but even now their hearts have turned not against me but against the very powers that control the forces of the world of nature they live to visit on the weekends. It is very fortunate that there is no need to wait until my birthday to visit them for each time they venture into the wilderness I will be waiting for them there on every trail, mountain top but most assuredly in every river they drive or walk over. Though it be difficult, I am happy to still be here for a while longer because it leaves a chance for everyone to check their gear and readiness for an adventure impossible to escape 

I like to travel and for those who know my life, I have traveled more than I wanted to in this physical world; however a time is coming when the difficulties of carrying around a physical burden will be gone and the ability to meet everyone will be possible. I must make a promise to go out and definitely meet everyone in a very unforgettable way. I guess there comes a time when words you read bring to mind a certain feeling and when that happens, you need to check the origin of that feeling; perhaps it's a feeling you get when you look up into a sunny sky or the feeling you get when you look into a dark ocean with depths that have never seen sun light; both the sun and deep oceans hold their beauty and reveal secrets you once thought hidden. I was given a precious gift last June, and what this gift is able to do is just beginning to become apparent. There are many people I haven't met personally who have stumbled upon this page, but now I know that once some things are opened, they can never be closed.

I AM where I am going while I am still here.

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English Lessons

From the Days When

Meaning Was Conveyed Gracefully


He that sinneth against Me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate Me love death.--PROV. viii. 36.

But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.--ROM. vi. 22, 23.



O Sovereign Love, to Thee I cry!
Give me Thyself, or else I die!
Save me from death; from hell set free!
Death, hell, are but the want of Thee.
Quickened by Thy imparted flame,
Saved when possessed of Thee, I am:
My life, my only heaven Thou art;
O might I feel Thee in my heart!




Sin itself is hell, and death, and misery to the soul, as being a departure from goodness and holiness itself; I mean from God, in conjunction with whom the happiness, and blessedness, and heaven of a soul doth consist. Avoid it, therefore, as you would avoid being miserable.


"I could n't live in peace if I put the shadow of a wilful sin between myself and God."


Unholy tempers are always unhappy tempers.





© Bill Watterson

Gotta Have Happy Memories


This One Has To Be The Best Yet!! Ha

Thank You Bill Watterson; Live Forever and continue to Prosper !!!


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