
Station Call


In Process.

Arctic CW Rescue

A True Life Story Involving Hams Rescued by the Cooperative Spirit of Alaskan Hams


My First QSL Card

Courtesy of my first, and most enduring friendship with Warren Dickie who has been faithful to make contact with me once every 25 years which is a "far cry" from my blood family in the US. Warren where did you go?


Commemorative Web Page


Beautiful Jeju Island

Where Men are Men and Grandmothers Dive The Icy Waters of the Pacific for a Little Food

The Haenyeo


The Light!



Favorite Hymn


Immortal Invisible

When This Passing World Is Done

Favorite Rock Songs


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x x x x x


"Perfect actions in this world leave no body behind."


Special Relativity

Thanks to James Clerk Maxwell

I Believe

The Laws Of Thermodynamics



It Ends In Light

(New Life - New World)

Money Can't Buy

Credit AL7MI

Explanation: Today as I was going out to hang my wash I noticed this rainbow over the view from my little penthouse on the side of the volcano. It was beautiful as it stretched from North Korea on the left all the way to South Korea on the right. The only difference between North and South Korea is what is most valuable to them. In North Korea much of the world has stripped them of all of what money can buy and left them with the most precious untarnished treasure which is family love and integrity. South Korea is wrestling with the reality that the "American Dream" with all its promise of wealth and prosperity, has left them to try and buy the best love for their family that money can purchase.

It is sad to watch the erosion of a 5000 year old beautiful culturally pure valve for family love. It is equally exhilarating to realize the implications that the power of Love can impart to the "other half" of the simplest, smallest and most obscure 5000 year old beautiful culturally pure valve for family love in God's creation. Pure Love is more powerful than any device designed to destroy that which is created and preserved in the power and source of Pure Light.

Now comes the beautiful mystery of Divine Love. The beauty of the "American Dream" is wonderful for it clearly defines a "heaven" on earth. "Your kingdom be established and Your will be worked out in all earthly matters" does not come from nowhere, it comes from the Bible. What happened? Man made a huge error and tried to replace "sentual" with the "spiritual"

The Internet was developeded in the Cold War effort to insure the survival of the babies that men take the first step to create. Later, the highly technological male created gateway was made into a super highway for all his lustfilled dreams and believe it ot not, has in recent days called into question the motive behind my personal diary I try to keep on what I once thought was a "secret hiding place."

Man it's late and I need to lay to reat this body created when a wanderlust filled salior who is my eartly dad met a red-head, hot blood woman from North Carolina. What came out of this "Korean Conflict" baby was a wild wacked out acid-head of teh late sisties who was later convonvend by the Mafia that he a choice between purifying cocaine and living or death. As a psyco-pharnaist I decided that I should take my friend's advive and pray to a God I could not see and finally found Real LIfe after death in Jesus Christ.

Yep, I know that men have made a mistake and have given thir power over to their "soul-mate" but the old saying still holds. When there is a battle going one if you want to win, the side that is about to lay hold of victirious slaughre must hold true to the statement, "A the height of power feign weakness." So as I sit here I watch as man's sole mate steps down before the blade falls on his neck.





English Lessons

from the days when

Meaning was Conveyed Gracefully

November 27

The Lord hath been mindful of us: He will bless us.--PS. cxv. 12.



My Father! what am I, that all
Thy mercies sweet like sunlight fall
So constant o'er my way?
That Thy great love should shelter me,
And guide my steps so tenderly
Through every changing day?



What a strength and spring of life, what hope and trust, what glad, unresting energy, is in this one thought,--to serve Him who is "my Lord," ever near me, ever looking on; seeing my intentions before He beholds my failures; knowing my desires before He sees my faults; cheering me to endeavor greater things, and yet accepting the least; inviting my poor service, and yet, above all, content with my poorer love. Let us try to realize this, whatsoever, wheresoever we be. The humblest and the simplest, the weakest and the most encumbered, may love Him not less than the busiest and strongest, the most gifted and laborious. If our heart be clear before Him; if He be to us our chief and sovereign choice, dear above all, and
beyond all desired; then all else matters little. That which concerneth us He will perfect in stillness and in power.



My Simple Priorities

1. My God

2. My Health

3. My Testimony




Search Engine

Omni Directional Search





This is a non-profit web page but there are those who have made major sacrifices to help me stay alive and I want to recognize them in a major fashion.



Being Human..

© Bradly Trevor Greive (image)


....can teach us that looking up is the best way to find our Master.





Gotta Have Happy Memories

This One Has To Be The Best Yet!! Ha



This web page is created in honor of Paul Hunt the first and original WL7AK who is an honorable kind man who loved children and a faithful and mysterious servant of God and my Savior Jesus Christ. Paul Hunt was the one individual to wake the seed of computer interest first introduced to me by a La Jolla California High School teacher Mr. Don Jackson in 1978 but made vital by Cyrus Smith NU7Q our mutual high school student. After securing my new call sign of NL7TM (in 1989) after my California call of WB6JLI (1976), Paul Hunt was adamant about my getting a computer connected to my amateur radio gear by way of packet radio. A man of Paul Hunt's honor is not understood and he moved from Anchorage Alaska shortly after my move to Fairbanks Alaska in 1990. Without the amazing grace of God Almighty if my web page could ever possibly do anything to help in any way it is because the Love of God allowed me to be honored to know the original WL7AK and NU7Q (whom I am still in contact with even to this day).






My Writings

Construction Note: Main efforts are being shifting to this page Main Page History included.

Secret Playground

The Greatest Day

Of My Life

Free Love

Come And Get It

Trinity in Science

By Name Only: Trinity


Thought for the Light

"A man of understanding has a calm spirit."

Proverbs 17:27


Jeju View

"From this place it is easy to see anyone who tries to get in by some short cut."

From Here The View Is Excellent


Quote: Esoteric Now Clear

"My God it's full of stars."

David Bowman

a character in the

Space Odyssey



Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first html we practice to achieve?





Potiphar's Wife


Daily Strength

for Daily Needs


Mary W. Tileston


A Great Devotional and Reflection of the Original Beauty of the English Language

Courtesy of

Project Gutenberg


Movie List

Waking Ned Devine

The Passion of the Christ

Chariots of Fire


"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched sea beams glitter in the dark near the Terhausen gate... All those moments will be lost in time like tears in the rain...."