Wednesday, December 03, 2008 10:23:45 PM

x x x x x

"Perfect Actions"

The Most Pitiful of All


Who Are They?

They are the innocent and powerless of those among us. My current life is defined by a contract or a promise I made to help the innocent and powerless of those among us; simply put, I made a promise to help Korean children until my birthday May 10th 2009. However, something went wrong and I now find my involvement in their lives to be woven into some kind of nightmare that becomes clearer as the days go by. That nightmare is the reality that the Korean children I work with have absolutely no future to look forward to, but this is a carefully guarded secret jealously maintain by mothers and the crumbling social structure of the once great nation of Korea.

Children are no sooner born and they are quickly placed in the external social system designed to keep them busy while their parents give birth to more children than a society can take care of in a healthy way. Children are quickly ushered into the mind bending, creativity destroying educational system so they can become the automations of a nation with no creative ability because it was brain washed out of them when they were children. The only way they can survive it to imitate, plagiarize, mimic and copy other creative nations and people as they try and look to the world like an advanced nation.

I'm at the bloody Hill of Calvary where innocence and purity are nailed to the filthy cross road that maks the way to the twisted underlying social system that markets humanity. I stand daily in terror at what is happening to the children of Korea as I watch them daily trying to preserve that spark of curiosity and exploration only to see them being given computer toys and simplistic games. It is fun to play a game of "rock-scissors-paper” but it is scary when the game become the main stay driving force between competing individuals or teams which can be structured in a way that it absorbs their attention for an hour.

These days it is hard to sleep as I know the next day means reentering the blazing inferno where innocence and creativity are destroyed. Getting to sleep means not letting my mind drift for a moment on my personal efforts to abort this monstrous destruction of young minds because if I begin to try and think of a way to stop it I will not sleep at all because the problems is bigger than one person can deal with; only God could abort such a terror to children and it is to Him I place my appeal daily.

So why do my prayers go unanswered or delayed? Perhaps there is a hope for a future world of children but it simply that I'm in the wrong place. The innocent and powerless of those among us may simply be in a different geographical location and here in lies the great nightmare. I left my country in 1998 because I saw children being seriously hurt by some parents; yet my country has laws to protect children from what is termed “child predators” and came to Korea because in America it was clear how much Korean parents loved their children.

Ten years have come and gone and now I can see that in America “child predators” are individuals that can be found and punished but my eyes now open to the reality that the “child predators” in Korea are not individuals but an entire nation and government gone awry. If I ever needed help it would be to work with children of my own country where creativity can still work even if a child has not had the best childhood experience.

For ten years now I have been at play in the Korean childrens' fantasy world helping them enjoy something they will never experience again in their life. It has been in recent times that I have witnessed a fearful effort to warp the minds of children which usually begins in middle school,  now shifted all the way to kindergarten. What is happening to Korea ? Why have mothers lost their minds and send their children to never ending school after school? I can't figure it out but I have learned enough Korean to read signs all over the place that show that women are marketed here on a sliding economic scale. What I thought was only found in Las Vegas is actually an entire nations economic subculture; and I suspect the same for nations like Japan who have taken it to a twisted art that Koreans now envy.

My contact with the Chinese indicates a nation that has over populated itself into forced birth control monitored by the government. It appears the Chinese can't afford the kind of perverted subculture found in Korea and wonder why Koreans reproduce like they owned the world.

I have never had children of my own in my life because I became a Christian in my late 20s and hit the mission trail with a tent, backpack and sleeping bag. If any man wants to be an undesirable in the eyes of society go out and look like you have no money, land or home. Not my choice for I thought what I began in my 20s would last only a year and now that 30 years have past I have found that somehow it has become my life.

Though I have no children of my own I feel the heart ache of a mother for her child. I feel the pain and suffering of my children that have a greater need and a more hopeful future. Right now I'm just a stuffed cat nip toy for Korean children to tear apart as their mothers pour hundreds of their husbands dollars they slave for each month into private schools where their children can actually look at, feel and touch a creature that is really not different than themselves; nevertheless I'm treated like something in a petting or whipping zoo.

So I wake each day wondering why I tremble in fear at the prospects of entering the chamber of horrors where there are no others to control the little socially uneducated children who boasted to me that Korea has no blind people because they are stronger and healthier than any other country in the world.

My life teaching before this time had an overseers who would make sure that the kids didn't totally rip the foreigner teacher apart. However, the greed and hunger for big money makes me an expendable item on the menu. I place my appeal before God each day and wait patiently in great fear and reverence for what He is allowing to happen in my life. Yes, I believe that God is in total control and there is a reason for this flesh feast that He knew about before I was born.

In all of this I may die as I feel my life draining slowly away. I will never doubt the Love of Jesus in all of this. Though I die I will always trust Him. My dream is to get back to my country before it is too late and help my nation and my own children know the healing Love that can bring the child back to life in any heart, but now I know this to be especially urgent for the children of my own country. I would go tomorrow if I could understand how a Christian can make a commitment and then go back on it. Everyday Christians and non-Christians alike make commitments but though I may hear of a non-Christians breaking a contract, it is certainly a bad testimony for a “real” Christian to break one; and so on my way up a hill on my bike I a saw and old bent over twisted tree and though of the Old Rugged Tree where my Savior Jesus died.

Note: No new pages in a long time.  Something intense must be happening. At this point all I know is that I'm spening my days trying to remember all the good things that ever happened to me in life. I also spend my days with children caught in a concrete box trying to find a way out. I know The Way out but a language barrier stops me from telling them so I must "act" like The Way out. This is all related to my longing to be with my family that became more important than listening to my Father's loving guiding direction on August 1st 2008. (December 9th, 2008)


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It Begins In Light

English Lessons

from the days when

Meaning was Conveyed Gracefully

Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.-- Job 13:15

Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee.--PS. cxvi. 7

We which have believed do enter into rest.--HEB. iv. 3


Rest is not quitting
The busy career;
Rest is the fitting
Of self to its sphere.

'T is loving and serving
The highest and best!
'T is onwards, unswerving,--
And that is true rest.



As a result of this strong faith, the inner life of Catherine of Genoa was characterized, in a remarkable degree, by what may be termed rest, or quietude; which is only another form of expression for true interior peace. It was not, however, the quietude of a lazy inaction, but the quietude of an inward acquiescence; not a quietude which feels nothing and does nothing, but that higher and divine quietude which exists by feeling and acting in the time and degree of God's appointment and God's will. It was a principle in her conduct, to give herself to God in the discharge of duty; and to leave all results without solicitude in His hands.



© Bill Watterson

Gotta Have Happy Memories

This One Has To Be The Best Yet!! Ha

© Bill Watterson

Thank You Bill Watterson; Live Forever and continue to Prosper !!!

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