Wednesday, January 28, 2009 12:01:08 AM

x x x x x

"Perfect Actions"

Far North


Romance of the Sun

When romance is mentioned here, isn't in the way most people think romance, but in a way that touches the deepest part of the human soul; a place born of nights so cold that snow can ' t fall that lead to summers where you can lay outside under the warmth of a 10 PM.sun making you believe you must be on some tropical beach in a wonderful dream.

If someone looks at it with a common eye, they may think it's not so beautiful, but if you know it for what it is, a land adorned in its original vestal garment, endowed with the power to nurture anyone with the strength to live among its mountains, rivers and forests amidst the deep mysterious loneliness stretching from the blood red midnight sun to the pale blue hour at high noon with temperatures at fifty below zero, then you will experience a world with a gateway to heaven beyond; a chance to see that there really does exist an eternally beautiful kingdom reserved for those who have been baptized in fire and blood.

Unfortunately, most who even make it here, only catch a glimpse of the great promise and reward and refuse to acknowledge the power of Love that is written all over this land; they are the pitiful for they have waited an entire life time to see if it is real, only to turn a blind eye on the Master Architect of this amazing land that remains as just a tiny mirror capable of reflecting The Light of The World. No words I write here can adequately explain the awe, wonder and mystery of this place on earth.

You can touch this Love from within at any time in any place by realizing that the Love which formed this land also formed the stars and worlds of deep space; this same Love made you and I. The Love, what does it look like? Most people believe there is something called 'Love" and most will admit that like the wind, it can't been seen but it can be felt. Ad children we frequently ran for a touch from that Love by seeking out our parents; the first touchable, visible form of what makes the world beautiful; however, being human, this love can sometimes be less than perfect, so the need to see and touch Perfect Love came to us in the form of a Man whose Father we all had original connection to.

Somewhere after puberty, the confusion begins between unstable "emotional" love which appears so quickly; it seems to promise what appears to be lasting security, but all too often can't hold up in the storm of life. The Love of the Father who authored this world of extreme light and dark, also entered this would as a humble man who lived a simple life by showing a Love so unique that people could actually over come the barrier of death. God made it so simple to come home to true unfailing love by appearing as a Man who was touchable and caring to the point of jumping into an ocean of sharks to save us, however in the end His body died after we were lifted to safety. Being made of the same Source as the ocean filled with waves that come and go like the lives of people, His particular wave came to a crashing painful end but the waters that made His wave could never die so just three days later He came back and showed that death had no power over Him and all who with become One with the Great Ocean of Love that creates all things of Light and beauty will join Him in the great eternal ocean.

Like those who try and make here to see the midnight sun that never dies, there are many who dream of it, some who try and make it but oh so few who actually touch the Gate Way. Many are invited but very few ever make it. .



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It Begins In Light


English Lessons

from the days when

Meaning Was Conveyed Gracefully


Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.--I THESS. v. 11.

Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.--MATT. xix. 19



So others shall
Take patience, labor, to their heart and hand,
From thy hand, and thy heart, and thy brave cheer,
And God's grace fructify through thee to all.
The least flower with a brimming cup may stand,
And share its dewdrop with another near.





What is meant by our neighbor we cannot doubt; it is every one with whom we are brought into contact. First of all, he is literally our neighbor who is next to us in our own family and household; husband to wife, wife to husband, parent to child, brother to sister, master to servant, servant to master. Then it is he who is close to us in our own neighborhood, in our own town, in our own parish, in our own street. With these all true charity begins. To love and be kind to these is the very beginning of all true religion. But, besides these, as our Lord teaches, it is every one who is thrown across our path by the changes and chances of life; he or she, whosoever it be, whom we have any means of helping,--the unfortunate stranger whom we may meet in travelling, the deserted friend whom no one else cares to look after.







© Bill Watterson

Gotta Have Happy Memories

This One Has To Be The Best Yet!! Ha

Thank You Bill Watterson; Live Forever and continue to Prosper !!!

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