Tuesday, December 30, 2008 12:58:07 PM

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"Perfect Actions"


Crossing The Void



I have been given this time to communicate something a matter of urgent concern. It is a matter that takes the battle that moves death from the tomb to the womb on a wide scale. In my mind it is very easy to "see' and understand this matter in terms of how stars are born, live and die; yet in the current case the number of super massive stars in this little essay is taking the energy away from the light of local stars and pulling it into a useless drain. Does this sound a bit like an issue for a playground discussion? Perhaps it may sound that way, but it is quite literally a matter of life and death in a arena where eternal matters are in the balance. Life is love, joy, peace and freedom and death is hate, sadness, stress and a prison without escape.


This matter has grown out of control and is affecting the human faculty to reason and discern light from darkness; it's an insidious malignancy and those who still have the ability to see can affect the absorption of light that is being drawn into the void. For me it is a mandate for action most of which takes place in a realm that can't be reached with the five senses.


Out of all the people in this world, who do you love and trust the most? You will have to think carefully about this one because depending upon what side of the star field you are on, you could very well be consuming that person's energy or you may be the one being consumed by that person who has the greatest influence in you life.


The beautiful thing about telling this story with its effort to exposes darkness to the light, is the very fact that it follows the exact same behavior and parameters of the stars we see at night. The world of science tells us that we are made of the stuff of stars and stars have events of life the way we do. The most essential things about the "warning" in this posting relates to something that happens in stars which is impossible to see as we understand what we see with our eyes.


To make this as simple as possible, some stars shine and give life while other kinds take light from near by stars and define the "grave yard" of the stellar world. To set a simple sharp divide within the realm of stars, there are only aspects for this story; that which is light and that which is dark, that which is seen and that which is unseen; for the most part this matter is not a problem unless they get out of balance, so this grave situation will follow out of trying to expose the problem though anology, history and recent world events.


If you study stars you will find out that most stars have partners and the "single or lone" star (like our sun) is fairly rare rather than common. Since time is short and matters critical I must get to the point as I observe a local star system in its current state of decay. This sad star system is revealed as a couple with one partner being much more massive than its partner. It's a marriage between two where one sucks the energy of the other away in a manner where the radiant partner star begins to lose its very identity (character, strength and personality) to the influence of its more massive partner.


Such partners in a state of decay eventually absorb the radiant partner and leave behind a void in space that eventually servers to spawn other energy consuming super massive central systems. The most common way these super massive black holes obscure their process of consumption and absorption is to hide deep inside clusters of other radiant stars. Now to bring this analogy to a grounding point with an example from real life.


There are religious organizations in this world formulated for the purpose of deception; making great efforts to appear to the world as a place where good people (radiant stars) are found, they instead are controlled by very dark forces that are shrouded in a veil of light. Deep inside these systems are forces at work that drain the life from anything that is truly of the Light.


What is the character of those who are connected to the dark forces? Well let's just say that all people are either using their time in this world to shine light or absorb it. All you have to do to spot a "black hole" in the social stellar system is to find people with free time who are doing nothing to better the world they live in; they sit relaxing in their obscure hiding places but most frequently they enjoy bathing in the radiance of those stars they have caught in their gravity traps.



What is the character of those who are connected to the Light? Well they are people who use their time in this world to shine light and cultivate life eternal in others. All you have to do to spot a "radiant star" in the social stellar system is to find people who are busy helping others in a graceful way but most frequently through personal involvement in giving help to others. Their greatest joy is giving their energy to see others grow more radiant and strong asking nothing in return.


At this time my perceptual ability is beginning to clear and I'm finding a world where things are not in balance. In nature there are colorful male birds and less colorful female partners. By nature's Grand Architect, humanity has endowed men with different strengths than women; but as an old story I read goes, man made a huge blunder when he turned over his prime responsibility as the first to answer to his Creator for what he does. Yes in deed, make sure the man slips up and the world winds up in a mess. Man with his power to scientifically reason, eventual bent his gift for the dark purpose of creating weapons of war (the all essential devices to facilitate job security for his partner) which always put men against men so they died (a barbaric recycling method). For the powers of darkness, this all seemed to be workable as it facilitated death for the sons of men. However not be to out done, man with his gift for scientific reason found out how to split an atom and ultimately created a weapon that would bring the level of death to a level that included the force of darkness that created it.


Yes, the age of atomic weapons brought the mechanism of war from the battle field to the bedroom. Today most people have forgotten all about nuclear weapons because the majority were born after the Cold War. Just as a refresher, a nuclear bomb will kill everything (male and female) over the area it is detonated. High yield bombs don't destroy men they destroy cities and countries. Fortunate for those who remain in the radiant star group, the reminder of the power for a nuclear device to level the "playing field" has recently been kept alive by the country whose division came at my physical conception.


The world is being razed by a force of super large black hole people hiding in religious institutions and sucking the life from their partners and all that partner can help bring under its control. How big is a nuclear device? Well to make it really simple, a nuclear device capable of leveling a city is about as big as a grape fruit. Who has and is capable of using such a device? In all honesty I know someone who recently came from a country which recently tested a high yield device underground. How deep into technically advanced western defense can this country move a grapefruit? Ahhh lets just say that they have the ability to easily set it among other grapefruits in any market they feel like shopping at.


So there ya go. I have relocated to a new place but find that my ability to "radiate" information has mysteriously been stopped; with this in mind I just figure I had better make the most of whatever access I might find on this grapefruit stand on the frozen fringe of the arctic.


If I ever get hooked up to the Internet again it will most likely be at the supermarket.


More later............




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It Begins In Light

English Lessons

from the days when

Meaning was Conveyed Gracefully


Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.--COL. i. 12




The souls most precious to us here
May from this home have fled;
But still we make one household dear;
One Lord is still our head.
Midst cherubim and seraphim
They mind their Lord's affairs;
Oh! if we bring our work to Him
Our work is one with theirs.




We are apt to feel as if nothing we could do on earth bears a relation to what the good are doing in a higher world; but it is not so. Heaven and earth are not so far apart. Every disinterested act, every sacrifice to duty, every exertion for the good of "one of the least of Christ's brethren," every new insight into God's works, every new impulse given to the love of truth and goodness, associates us with the departed, brings us nearer to them, and is as truly heavenly as if we were acting, not on earth, but in heaven. The spiritual tie between us and the departed is not felt as it should be. Our union with them daily grows stronger, if we daily make progress in what they are growing in.




© Bill Watterson

Gotta Have Happy Memories

This One Has To Be The Best Yet!! Ha

Thank You Bill Watterson; Live Forever and continue to Prosper !!!

My E-mail: al7mi@yahoo.com
