Wednesday, January 28, 2009 12:01:08 AM

x x x x x

"Perfect Actions"

Cold Light


Credit & Copyright : Miguel Claro


And So It Begins

November 5, 2009

E ntering my ninth month in a world that is not my own has been far from easy; not unlike being in a nightmare one can't wakeup from. What makes me say such a statement? Am I not from Fairbanks Alaska ? As in the picture above, light does try and shine in this world as it did in the one I came from but it is only perceived in a vague reflection of strange moon light scattered by many clouds generated by social decay.

I have discovered a few encouraging facts which I will take a little time to list. The first most amazing realization is, who I was when I left 11 years ago is NOT the same as what returned; as a matter of fact even though I knew there was something not quite right with my world and country 11 years ago I had no idea of how much of its infectious toxin I was carrying when I left. This single fact will form the basis for a tale that will be easy for those who are familiar with how bacteriophage carry viruses and other hostile genetic information into a host and force it to replicate its deadly information; not unlike prisoners of war being forced to make bombs and weapons that will be used to kill their countrymen by their enemy captors.

Another amazing discovery is finding numerous other people in this society I now survive (as opposed to thrive) in, who are aware of the serious dysfunction rampant in their country and the extent that it is carrying their country into deeper darker waters teaming with all sorts of nasty creatures waiting to drain the last bit of life from them,. Finding these people who are aware of the desperately sick condition of their country and society is simply amazing; but more amazing is they actually appear to be genuinely worried and concerned. I have even met members of this society who dare to defy higher governing powers that feed the fires of a dragon that is obese on the life it is consuming.

My survival depends upon keeping a steady association with other members of this society who have not been compromised, but my enemy knows this and makes every attempt to bust through the barrier of heavenly hosts that surround this association. The members of this secret society know of their protected national identity yet we know each other through secret ways. We are united by our common family tie for we all have the same Father ; those outside this association have no power to stand against the corrosive powers which are more thinly veiled at this far north latitude.

Trying to remove the infected factor in this society I'm now in is like trying to surgically remove hemophilia , it just can't be done. The cure depends upon treatments that consider blood transfusions, nuclear options and cloning techniques. I would guess that readers by now know that they must be keen on how to apply parables of science to understand what is written between the lines here. So far blood transfusions appear to fail and the front line is now focused on cloning which brings the story back to the function of the bacteriophage with its identity and altered programming.

Well I better wrap it up at this point because I'm getting on a scientific tangent and that will cause any readers who happen to stumble on this page to close the page if they haven't already.

So how do I sum up my 9th month reentry awakening? Well, I never stopped writing during this period of time, it's just that I need to go back and proof read what I wrote because I know a very special audience of readers can and will go through what is written looking for something. What is that something? Shadows, dents, cracks or anything that isn't just right. After what I have been going through on this reentry is like trying to be a poet of the stars while crawling through a dark sewer. I hope this makes things a bit clearer,

The most essential thing that I must keep in mind is the fact that societies like the one I'm on the edge of will only grow flowers by being cleansed and showed with Light; and in this case The Light is the Love of God .

However, there are some who have deliberately walked away from their only hope and have even boasted to their dark associates that they finally silenced the voice in my web page; pretty creepy when these people claim be part of the Family of God.


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It Begins In Light


English Lessons

from the days when

Meaning Was Conveyed Gracefully


The temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.--I COR. iii. 17.



Now shed Thy mighty influence abroad
On souls that would their Father's image bear;
Make us as holy temples of our God,
Where dwells forever calm, adoring prayer.



This pearl of eternity is the church or temple of God within thee, the consecrated place of divine worship, where alone thou canst worship God in spirit and in truth. When once thou art well grounded in this inward worship, thou wilt have learned to live unto God above time and place. For every day will be Sunday to thee, and, wherever thou goest, thou wilt have a priest, a church, and an altar along with thee. For when God has all that He should have of thy heart, when thou art wholly given up to the obedience of the light and spirit of God within thee, to will only in His will, to love only in His love, to be wise only in His wisdom, then it is that everything thou dost is as a song of praise, and the common business of thy life is a conforming to God's will on earth as angels do in heaven.



November 5, 2009



© Bill Watterson

Gotta Have Happy Memories

This One Has To Be The Best Yet!! Ha

Thank You Bill Watterson; Live Forever and continue to Prosper !!!

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