Friday, October 29, 2010 4:53:21 PM
x x x x x

"Perfect Actions"

North Korea


October 15, 2010

File:Baitou Mountain Tianchi.jpg


Baekdu Mountain

백두산 - 白頭山

With Crater Lake Named - Cheonji



This story has waited for more than a hundred years to write, simply because we as a people find it difficult to learn the English language well enough to express our deepest thoughts. Even among our own children born within your land, we haven't found any who possess sufficient fluency with the English language and the all essential connection to the mind of our collective culture who can tell a story that has long been on our hearts. We had to wait until three years after the terrible event detailed in this writing for the birth of one who could be a channel through which our heart could be made known to a world that knows so little about us and in their ignorance misjudge our desires for a pure simple life. Of greatest importance is the need to communicate the critical state of world affairs which is making it needful to restore an imbalance present between the influence of one particular nation and its presence in a universe that demands natural cooperation and harmony.

In an attempt to document the nature of life in a society which lives in harmony with nature in the same manner all creatures on earth live in perfect harmony, this writing is set forth. Within this writing it is our hope to document the simple beautiful realities of a world and society that found it essential to retrieve one of our people born in your country. Once within our land, it required ten years to affect the essential healing and restoration of mind and body to recover the damage resulting during the period of initial growth and education in your country. Once connection to the natural family in our land was established, the ability to see and understand the world, country of conception and birth became possible. Due to the rapidly destabilizing forces contacted by your nation, through its association with a smaller subversive middle eastern culture with powers far greater than your nation can resist; our way of life as well as the harmony and natural stability of many other nations is being jeopardized..

To try and be concise, our essential essence was imparted to one born of your country in an effort to impart a critical corrective connection lost by your nations association with a malevolent political association with roots deeply entrenched in the minds and critical operational systems of your nation. Sending back your people all of whom have been prepared to assist your nation as it falters under the problematic results of family disunity, proliferation of substance abuse, an educational system expected to act as a surrogate parent when the system of education itself is plagued with internal problems placing students outside the schools as well as outside the family.

It is essential that we make every effort to assist in restoration, order and stability to a world rapidly in need of help. Recent reports regarding progress conveying the healthy natural processes of our nation, culture and history as a unique world which can be said to represent the reality of heaven on earth, shows that people who inhabit the west respond to offers of help and the story of our culture with skepticism, incredulity and disbelief. It is not our obligation to force help on those who don't want it nor to blast down walls of ignorance and obstinate denial of what is basic truth; free will flows around these obstacles as water in a river. For this writing, there are three sources of information accessible to anyone which can validate or refute what is written; for the few who need remedial assistance regarding these epistemological standards, there is the usual journey to the location of which this story speaks, followed by critical consideration of the story within the light of an uncompromised conscience (emphasis placed upon uncompromised), followed by validation obtained through conversations with citizens of the society (this can be difficult to impossible, unless you are fortunate to hold the passport of nations other than South Korea the United States and Israel) The whys and wherefore of these three prohibited nations will be detailed in this story.


This is a collection of various writings which make up a mosaic of concepts giving the reader a clearer understanding regarding the nature of a society without government sponsored social security, where little children can walk alone at night through city streets without fear. A world where allergies to nuts, grains, milks and other commonly healthy food items is unknown, disabled citizens are never seen helpless in any capacity for they receive the most intimate and personal care which gives them access to the same gracious life expression nature meant them to have.. A true world where respect and honor are given to all citizens in a natural manner according to age and people live the reality which considers clothing for environmental protection, carefully designed to accentuate the physical beauty of the face only.

A place without drugs or substance abuse to the extent that even vitamins are looked upon as drugs due to their origin in the same and artificial method of manufacturing; our society recognizes that a healthy natural diet and good physical exercise are the best "natural daily medicine" in the world; if for some reason one of our people contracts a cold, we resort to professionally trained doctors who have received education in the ancient time honored healing methods of trusted oriental medicines derived from natural roots, herbs and uniquely understood medicinal elements found in various sea plants, fish or animal parts considered for therapy. We also use strategically placed needles known to your world as acupuncture; for thousands of years this medical method has helped cure people of ailments and after thousands of years of proven success; we now realize that your world is just beginning to understand this unique natural healing method.

Our world is one that thrives by virtue of a healthy networking with all natural rhythms found in nature, within which we find a system of communication that links all stars and creatures in the universe; we have no need to depend upon a computer communication system formerly built by the military powers of the world to provide communication after a nuclear holocaust, a system with all the communication tact of subway walls for streetwalkers, the Internet must be filtered or monitored if minds are to be protected. For this particular writing, the Internet is used but this is only possible outside our country and the information contain herein is already known to our nation. All our television programing is made to be family safe; and thus our society has become a place where carnal knowledge is withheld and banned from the minds of all but the married. During previous efforts to communicate honest historical reviews and investigation by the Internet, this site which publishes only material that is harmless to children was shut down by an allied nation of the US. It is strange to find that pornography flows uninhibited over the Internet but an honest effort to sow seeds of peace and understanding by presenting an uncensored history, were cut off; simply a symptom of a greater disease.

Knowing that the United States is the best example for military preparedness, we have made great efforts to follow their example and believe that a nation of loyal citizen should uphold the nation by being involved with national security; though our society doesn't permit the public possession of fire arms, our military is made strong by the requirement of all citizens to be loyal to their nation, leader, and the cause of national security; thus all of our citizens are involved with national security be it direct or through adjunct support. Though our country like many others have a police force, its function ranges from directing traffic, checking for parking violation, but more so to assist citizens with serving as guides for visitors to our country.

We are a society that makes every effort to conserve resources, places the hard work of our people before implementing existing manufacturing technology for the purpose of labor saving that seeks to increase capitol gains at the expense of producing unemployed citizens. Like so many other world nations, we are a nation that places a great emphasis upon science and technology seeking to compete in the realm of satellite based communication networks without the unwarranted fears, and political saber rattling that comes each time we make efforts to move forward in world class technical developments. In our experimental attempts to develop improved rocket based delivery systems, we have been accused of ridiculous attempts to attack Japan or the US; we seek to develop advancements in science and technology but find little comradely in a world increasing influenced by a presence in the Middle East that has secured control of United Stated economic and military powers. Unfortunately most American can't figure out the connection or even think to ask why it is that their country is the target of Islamic military action and the US military is busy fighting the enemies of Israel; you can refer to the September 11 twin tower attack by enemies of Israel.. Why is it that no Americans wonders why Israel runs the US as if it was their servant. The infection has spread to subdue all third world nations before they get a chance to stand up. The spread of this infection is detailed in a later writing.

Our world is one defined by excellence in education and higher learning which are not just part of our culture, it quite literally defines our culture; in this we see our children eagerly attending school twelve hours a day, six days a week, with academic performance demonstrated by the capacity of first and second grade students to successfully flourish in schools employing full content curriculum with course work conducted in bilingual classrooms.

I have given my life connection to this world of beauty I come from so I can tell others that we have no unemployment, senior citizen care facilities, public displays of affection, no homosexuality, no obesity at all; where physical fitness is esteemed by all and our government maintains public fitness equipment on all trails and every hill or mountain top.

It is truly an amazing land where birth is celebrated as everywhere else in the world but childhood is celebrated with a national holiday and death is celebrated for every person who grows very old before dying; where the most terrible thing that can bring grief upon the people is the rare death of a young person. A world without Christmas or Halloween because the two major holidays have no religious connotations, based upon a lunar calendar and each last three to four days in length being centered around honoring and celebrating family unity.

In an effort to see life bloom in the morally obliterated environment of western societies, I have severed my life sustaining connection to the world briefly outlined above. With less than a year to go before dispensing of an unnecessary environment suit for being in the natural world of this beautiful planet to finally let go and enter my Father's home, a world we call Han-na-neem Na Ra or translated “Sky Country” the non-physical realm from which all of Nature draws its life, vitality and form which supports, sustains and protects the world many here have already gone from and wait for our reunion. Chosong-minguk 조선민국) is the home of our family, the people who picked retrieved my body from the streets of the US and healed its broken spine after US doctors wanted eighty thousand dollars up front. It is a precious flower still blooming on this planet, where many nations are quickly giving up hope for the fading promises of health, wealth and prosperity for everyone who sees it only on a silver screen. It's an honored to have been chosen to represent a nation, family and people who herald from a culture as ancient as Beakdu Mountain in the north and the shining East China Sea to our south.


