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"Perfect Actions"

I E Saw Wrong

December 16, 2010

Thoughts come to me like screams for help in a vast stormy ocean. The loudest voices come from children being hurt by many different people. The only thing I can discern is the location of the loudest screams, as my return from Korea gave me time to live where the only voices of children I heard were the daily cheerful sounds coming from the playgrounds, shopping centers and schools. At the top of this page is a title which says, "I E Saw Wrong." The Korean written just below the English is a group of consonants which when spoken sound like someone is saying "I E saw wrong" but the sounds of those two letters and two words means something special in Korean and that is "Child Love." When Koreans hear the sound "I E saw wrong" but just slid together and uttered as if one where saying a word, they think of their central national philosophy which affirms their understanding that the most essential collective action that parents and society must practice continuously is "Child Love" for with out this there is no secure future for any nation.

I have now been back in the west almost two years, having returned with the single minded objective to convey the urgent need of perfect altruistic love of children I found in Korea to the hurting children and adults of western society. The unique thing about the expression in Korean is the fact that it does sound like "I saw wrong" or "I saw something wrong happen;" it is this latter sentiment that reminds me of what happened before I left the United States back in 1998. I very clearly remember being witness to little children being abused and hurt. Most cases were the result of parents hurting their own little children. Once I arrived in Korea I became absorbed in a culture and society that cherishes their children to the point of veneration and worship. Before arriving in Korea there was a terrible incident that happened back in the United States; this incident involved a false report of domestic abuse by a woman who was hurting her own children and extended her hurt out through a society controlled more by women then men. The result of this false report brought about yet another misguided female with authority to attack suspected wrong doers since she was the law enforcement agent who responded to the fabricated report. In the end I was acquitted of all charges when the illicitly victimized woman who was a joint conspirator with the woman making false report, confess in a court of law that she had lied as a result of failure to take medication required for her reported "bi-polar disorder." With my need to do research for an advanced graduate degree, and the reports of the gross improprieties of President Bill Clinton immoral affairs, I decided it best if I simply stepped outside the United States for a time.

My time in Korea was very much like living in a dream world where people are constantly being helpful along with society; where children were happy and always playing with many friends. Now it becomes increasingly clear that I had been brain washed by a life time of exposure to a society without moral stability and family integrity. I simply grew up assuming like everyone else in this twisted western world that what I learned in school about history was true and the world the media spoke of was reality. The only problem I encountered during my later years as a teenager occurred when I was close to eighteen years old; at that time I began to find many aspects of western society and media were in conflict with my conscience. The more I listened to this voice of conscience, the more I discovered a smaller hidden and rejected subculture that was shouting slogans against the war that the United States was involved with at that time in Southeast Asia.

I had heard the stories of the so called "evil dictator in Germany" and accepted it as true, never questioning the history that the U.S. had taught me. The reason for this unquestioning acceptance of the U.S. version of history was the result of yet a second gross error on my part. This second error of mine only served to reinforce the former fabrications of a nation I believed was telling me the truth. I believed statements made by the media and educational institutions about the voices of other world nations held the same sentiments about Germany and its dark evil past. It has taken a life time to realize that those so called “voices of other countries” were the creation of the U.S. collective mantra. Once I was outside the United States and outside long enough, I began to hear the history of a very poor people who had no power to broadcast their mind and feelings; it was in one of the major folk stories of the island where I lived that I heard a voice in great pain, be it ever so tiny and weak. I listened closely as this story came to me like one who would hear the whispering gasps of a dying heart. What the story said was in harmony with my conscience but the implications of its reality were far too mind boggling to grasp.

The whispers and gasps of this story were eventually detected as a heart wrenching echo found among elderly farmers on the edge of death along with the same haunting reverberation in the hearts and minds of their children. Between this point in this story is the telling of this nightmare event that dwarfs the actions of a so called “evils of a Germany dictator.” I have told this story over and over and will only provide links to its placement in this web page.

What’s the point? The point is simply this. People can’t live in a society that maintains a military that is constantly out in the world trying to make the world submit to the United States as the supreme power of the world. While in Korea I tried to communicate the history I was finding to those I knew back in the United States. Much to my surprise they began to tell me to stop telling them what I found because hearing the truth would make them feel too uncomfortable staying in the U.S. to live.

After communicating much of what I discovered, my friend sent his daughter to another country to go to school; later after she was settled in, he made an effort to relocate to that country.

It took me almost ten years to discover that a major percentage of the huge foreign population teaching in Korea, Japan and China, were there not for the money but rather to escape the corruption of the west; the unfortunate result of this action was only to import the perversions and sickness of the west to these countries. I will never forget the day I was getting ready to leave Korea to return to the U.S. to teach and try and fix something that was hurting not only American children but the rest of the world as well. The day I was getting ready to leave, my friends whom I had known for many years came to have a last meal with me. I will never forget the expressions I saw on their faces the whole time I was there; the expressions were a bit hard to recognize at first. I thought there would be a cheerful gathering for my departure, however it seemed very somber in an eerie way. Now that I'm back in the west I can place the looks on their faces very clearly, for they wore the same expression that you see when someone is about to die.

I began by talking about abused children in the west and my journey to Korea where everyone sees everybody at the same time and celebrates their children. My recent study regarding child abuse shows that abused children grow up psychologically crippled and many times become child abusers in their adult life. With the reports I'm getting from my colleagues in education who see children who are hurting, many have noted a correlation between the level and intensity of abuse and that of the father who is frequently missing and if not missing is found to be monstrously abusive to his wife and children as a member of the U.S. military. The educators surmise that the U.S. military has stepped up their prescreening of recruits to be sure that they are immune to a conscience that would stop them from committing the most barbaric of military tactics. The friend I had who stood well over six foot tall and weighing over 200 pounds was found hurling his little five year old boy into a road side snow plow berm.

So again what’s the point? The point I'm trying to make is the United States has never confessed to many crimes against humanity and its military behaves like a group of abused children who have grown into monsters trying to abuse and antagonize other smaller nations. What the world is learning is the U.S. is out of control and the last time it ever exhibited some degree of control was at the end of the Cold War when both the U.S. and Russia agreed to dismantle its apocalyptic nuclear arsenal. However, even though possession nuclear weapons at this point in planetary social evolution is simply a technological “right of passage” for developing nations, the U.S. has seen fit to keep its nuclear arsenal and retrogress to a constant levels of conventional war tactics.

These are obsservations of one who is a life long learner. This writing along with my other writing are all attempts to share learning and wait for reflective thought to the contrary. In an effort to support the observaations of the vast amount of child abuse that has been undoing this nation for many years and simply creating chioldren who will become adults; the men of this population will go off like their aabusive adluts and continue to insure the nation of American goes down hill while the men who join the military will serve to destroy nations of the world just as their oarents destroyed their family, society and country.

Following article submitted as evidence was found attached to the wall of an area frequented by those who serve children's needs.

If it is true that the future of America is its youth, then there is great need to worry. Child abuse might be am uncomfortable and depressing topic of discussion, but it also is one ofthe most important ones ofthe 21st century. To bring a little perspective toit, here are some interesting and simultaneously appalling statistics and facts to consider. ì
Americans tend to think child abuse only occurs in a minority of homes - - domestic violence is a symptom of the most families and is hardly a real problem in today's society. But once one coníìonts the facts, this assumption is completely obliterated. For example, did you know that three children die from child abuse every single day? That's l,092 children a year; most of these children die before they reach their birthday. In fact, of all the causes of death in infants and toddlers, child abuse is the most common. ,

But the effects of child abuse can't just be illustrated with rates of mortality, After all, a child is abused every l0 seconds, and almost three million cases of child neglect and abuse are reported every year so if you take into account that abuse has not only dangerous, sometimes deadly, physical consequences, but lifelong emotional consequences, this surprisingly widespread damage to America's youth can be overwhelming.

But in order to really understand the problem, a clear definition of child abuse must be grasped. What is child abuse? There are four basic types of child abuse. They are: physical and sexual abuse, the most easily understood of the four; physical neglect, which entails depriw'ng food, shelter, and other necessities a child; emotional neglect, or depriving a child of attention and/or love; and ñnally, medical neglect which is similar to physical neglect, in that the child does not receive proper medical care (if any at all). But not all child abuse occurs inside the home; a stranger, relative, or family friend can be the culprit.

So how can you detemrine if a child has been maltreated? Maybe you are a concemed parent or teacher. Whatever the case, it's imponant to be alert to the signs of child abuse. Most children are not going to confess to their abuse, so you must rely on your own judgment in order to determine ifa child has been victimized.

The obvious indicator that a child has been abused is evidence of physical But children are playful and clumsy! A healthy, active child is likely one with a few cuts and bruises. However, if the inj uríes can‘t be explained or are recurring, you have reason to be suspicious. Moreover, there are signs of sexual abuse, specifically, that you can look out for. Ask yourself: does the child experience nightmares and suffer from depression? What about pain in the abdominal area? As well, a sexually abused child may wet his or her bed, have a urinary tract infection, and/or experience genital bleeding. His or her behavior might be strange, too, especially regarding sex. Some of these signs of sexual abuse are the same for emotional abuse, including low self-esteem, nightmares, and depression. Additionally, an emotionally abused child may suffer from mysterious headaches and stomach pains that seem to come out of nowhere. What about emotionally neglected children? A child who is emotionally neglected may not gain weight at a normal rate, boast an insatiable appetite, and./or reach out for affection other adults and children. One overriding sign of abuse, in general, is if the child tries to run away. Many flmctional, happy children toy with the idea of running away and camp out in their backyard, but if a child seems to genuinely desire to escape his or her environment, it should be seriously noted. 1t's probable that an abused child suffers from more than just one type of abuse.

Unfortunately, these short-tenn of child abuse are not the most frightening. Añer all, most abused children do not have enduring physical effects. The disturbing part is that they will most likely grow up to be troubled adolescents and adults who may even abuse their own children, Severe depression and anxiety, suicidal attempts, alcohol and drug addiction, and even criminal behavior plague teenagers and young adults who suffered, or may still suffer, from abuse. And adults with a history of abuse face a whole new world of problems, including depression and dysñmction in their sex and marital lives,

The consequences of child abuse vary with every case - the age ofthe abused child and the extent ofthe abuse are all major factors here, but whether Lhe effects are mild or severe, it's clear that child abuse is a real tragedy and a real problem in America,

So what can you do to help prevent child abuse? By reading this article, you've already made a step in the right direction. You are armed with useful information that can help you recognize abuse so th-ai you can take action and report it. However, there may be more you can do. lf you are a new parent, there aresupport programs and educational opportunities you can benefit from that will prepare you for parenthood. Especially if you have a history of violence in your family, it's recommendable that you confront the issue head on via one-on one therapy or group therapy or all ofthe above! Also, if you are an overwhelmed mother or father, consider using child care programs to alleviate the stress. (Even if you are not a full-time worker, it may be a good idea to get outside help.) The sooner Ameri cans acknowledge the problem, the sooner they can band together to solve it. For now, however, the best you can do as an individual is to stay on your toes (especially if you are a caregiver or parent).


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