Northern Lights over Prelude Lake 
Image Credit & Copyright: Yuichi Takasaka / TWAN / 

Loss of Feeling

Have you ever sat on your legs or slept on your arm so long that you lose all feeling and it tingles? Many times people say, ¡°My arm (leg) fell asleep.¡± It's a humorous statement resulting from a simple action. Usually, you feel this familiar sensation after you've been putting pressure on part of your body -- sitting on a foot, sleeping on an arm, etc. When you apply this pressure for a prolonged period of time, you actually cut off communication from your brain to parts of your body. The pressure squeezes nerve pathways so that the nerves can't transmit electrochemical impulses properly. Nerve impulses carry sensation information from nerve endings in the body to the brain, as well as instructions from the brain to the parts of the body. When you interfere with this transfer by squeezing the nerve pathways, you don't have full feeling in that body part, and your brain has trouble telling the body part what to do. 1

The above makes clear that pressure on a part of the body can cut off communication between what ever part of the body is under pressure and the brain. This idea that pressure or stress can cause our brains to become disconnected from the part of the body under stress has even been expressed in other not so funny ways; by this I mean that under certain conditions of stress, there can be a very dangerous disconnection between the brain and the rest of the body; this highly dangerous kind of numbness manifests itself by something else called going to sleep. Can you guess what may fall asleep if the entire body and mind is put under tremendous stress? Well for those who guessed right, it's the brain. By this I mean that the brain initiates a shut down between itself and all information input.

This kind of stress isn't a commonly found event unless your occupation subjects you to such strong forces and stress. These levels of stress were a worry for the scientist who first tried to figure out a way to make it possible for humans to travel in space. The prospects of human beings traveling in space greatly worried scientists. Tests with animals had shown that space travel probably involved no physical danger, but there were serious concerns about possible psychological hazards. Some experts feared that the stresses of launch, flight, and landing might drive a space traveler to terror or unconsciousness. 2

Now we expand this idea on to an experiment which we involve ourselves with every day as it relates to stress. How important is it to pass out? Some may say, ¡°I don't want to ever pass out!¡± However doctors realize that it is essential for our health to pass out regularly. Research shows that you can make yourself more alert reduce stress and improve cognitive functioning with a nap. Mid-day sleep, or a ¡®power nap¡¯, means more patience, less stress, better reaction time, increased learning, more efficiency and better health. 3 So you say, so what, everyone knows we have to sleep. But is there a greater kind of passing out, numbness or loss of feeling that can happen?

Having covered the issue of loss of feeling, numbness and unconsciousness in a kind of expanding circle. How far out does this circle of awareness, feeling and consciousness extend? There is a science that deals with this within our bodies when scientist speak of our brains; the expression or wording addresses the study of neural networking. 4 Yet there is a networking on a planetary level as most people frequently hear about the ability of humans to damage the ozone layer. Loss of ozone protection includes increased rates of cancer, mutation, cataracts, and decreased hardiness of us and our fellow cohabitants of Earth's surface. This means loss of crops (essentially) both now and into the future.5 Since there is a real danger to all life on earth in association with human environmental impact, it essential of consider our connection to the world network.

The question I now have brings us back to the sleepy arm issue we began with, into a full circle. If we can become aware of a broken flow of nerve information flowing from an arm that is numb and tingly, can we be experiencing another kind of numbness or lack of feeling on a greater level? Suppose we say that the entire earth is one big organism and it's like our bodies has many parts to keep it active and healthy. Now if, lets suppose If the planet were like our bodies, how could we know if we are connected to its nervous system or cut off being totally numb? There is a concept referred to as cosmic consciousness6 which is at the threshold of the jump off point for scientists since it lacks any ability to observe, speculate, hypothesize and experimentally test.

Unfortunately, where scientist jump off creates a void the ability of ¡°social consciousness¡± to stay on a straight track with the help of scientific thought that is logical, rational, coherent, and mentally sound. So what fills in the void when scientist leave? Well for anyone who has played with a thesaurus, you just simply insert the antonyms for the adjectives that express scientific thought; so lets give it a try by hunting for the antonyms and then discover what kind of people would fit the description. What kind of being would that be? Well lets list the adjectives once more then flip them to antonyms: logical, rational, coherent, mentally sound. The antonyms would be illogical, irrational, incoherent and mentally unstable. The kind of people who would jump in to explain cosmic consciousness are defined by those opposing adjectives; so it kind of define a place where you find ¡°nuts.¡±. In Wikipedia the studies of beliefs are mentioned as Pantheism, Transcendentalism'7, New Thought Movement8, and Anima mund9. All of these systems of thought lack any unifying qualities and in this way they become divergent and confused. The study moves from a unity of thought for one of two reasons, either there is no singular unified thought that cast ways the confusion or there is a unified thought and expression but it is obfuscated by the pandemonium rooted in pantheism. Being a scientist, I tend to shy away from intellectual nonsense, yet my entire web page is devoted to upholding the definite existence of a singular mind identified by one very powerful verb which is Love; since my entire web page is aimed at making this Identity known, I will just cut to the chase at this point and deal with a numbness I have been feeling these past few days.

So what could be causing a numbness that I'm not speaking about as being in my body? Let's be clear about this if you made it this far. Having gone from the familiar sensation of numbness in our body and now I'm questioning if I or others may be experiencing a numbness in a larger body or mind. The challenge here is trying to get people to roll over and let the blood flow through a part of their connection to a larger mind that few scientists will consider as an object of study. By leaning upon reason as a guide through a few analogies, we may launch into deeper waters. If your hand were to bumped up against a hot stove you would know it, though scientists have discovered that the nerve impulses travel slower to the brain from the burn site than do the nerve impulses from the ear which is connected directly to the brain and is able to ¡°hear¡± the sound of sizzling flesh faster than we can feel it; in other words, if we tough a red hot surface without knowing it, we will hear the sizzling sound first which will prompt us to wonder where they sound is coming but that prompt doesn't get us moving until the real clue arrives through the nerve channels connecting that burned part of the body to our brains. If anyone has experienced this we usually hear something like bacon cooking on a fry pan and think, humm what's that sound?...Youch!. If a mosquito were biting our face I'm sure we would feel it because of the many nerve endings as well as sensory receptors there on our face but what if a mosquitoes bites your back especially your lower back, we rarely feeling anything because this region of the body has the fewest nerve endings, thus it is doubtful anyone could feel it?

What I'm getting at here is I believe our collective body to which we are connected has experienced a major injury. What am I talking about? I'm speaking about Japan and the multiple disasters they are dealing with. I have been watching the response of a planetary neural system receive signals that produce an analogous tendency to say ouch, run, scream, cry, hide, or give up and die. What has been truly inexplicable has been my efforts to help a close friend in Japan deal with what is happening, and in the past 48 hours I have watched my scientific analysis of the problem drive my friend to levels of stress and pain that he had to take efforts to prevent losing faith in his peoples media and government. With a great feat of power never before seen at the site of Chernobyl in Russia, he spoke to me today and affirmed with great faith based action, that it caused me to direct my reaction formulated in a petition to the One singular power of Love that controls all things. Even though I predicted what scientists have now discovered, the response of the Japanese people was one of peace and resolve to be with family and children no matter what.

This is my story and it reflects a sense of something amazing; I can ¡°feel¡± this inner anguish or pain, loss, hunger, cold, distress, holding on to life which seems like holding to a red hot coal. My reason fueled a fervor which in turn fostered a tendency of Japanese associations to run, abandoned all and flee in terror. However, I have lived long enough to be connected to the very real social being of the East and even now tremble before the most awesome power in the universe as I place my soul and entire life into His hands to sort me through something for which there is no possible escape; by this I mean I'm heading for something that means and absolute inevitable death without escape and taking a lesson from my friend Hiro san in Japan, rather than run, shout or give in to fear, I'm just going to flow with this great living ocean my soul is united with and deal with what comes just like everyone in this world must do one day; for our bodies are not so different than flowers of a field have our season of growth, reproduction, wilting and death.

So as I said, this is my story now how does it relate to others? It relates in the following way. The incident in Japan was major and as the news and scientists say, ¡°It was the largest earthquake and tsunami in recorded history.¡± Now, can something this huge go unnoticed by anyone in this world? Can there be people who have no feeling for what has happened? People who are totally numb to what has occurred in Japan and what continues to occur? If there are, I would say they are in grave danger. How can I say that people living on the other side of the world in the west are in danger if they are numb to the disaster in Japan? If people are numb or have no feeling for the horror the Japanese are wrestling with, they would wake up fast. Why should people wake up, is there some kind of danger? Yes absolutely. How can I say this? I say it because of something an American friend said to me after the September 11, 2001 twin tower incident.

At the time I had been living in Korea three years prior to the 911 event. Though the incident seemed like a major event, there was no ripple felt in the pool of collective consciousness in the East, not one person flinched or took notice and the most surprising thing is, neither did I. When I noticed that nothing in Korean society even stopped for a second, I ¡°thought¡± something must be wrong but then again neither did I budge a all. I began to think I had lost all ability to feel a connection with the west, that was until I called my friend in Alaska to inquire about the tremendous grief and suffering all American people must be going through. What he said to me was shocking, yet it explained the difference completely between the 911 event and the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan, with regards a collective or singular Mind of creation. My friend told me that shortly after the 911 event, people went about there daily business as it nothing had happened; except for military bases and government facilities that could profit from such an event, life went on as it nothing happened. I was stunned. How could people in a country go on with normal life after such an event?

There comes a mystery in this analogy to explain how world societies, like a body, can feel or detect disasters in other parts of the world. I know that there seems to be various levels of sensitivity to planetary needs to heal and grow for which this short paper is written to explore. With natural disasters and famines, etc, the ability to sense and respond to the need is detectable but other such disasters are not. What do I means that some disasters are detectable by the world neural network and others are not? It has to do with the recent comparison between the Japanese and Indonesian incidents and the one of September 11, 2011 in the U.S. There is a major difference that I'm trying to account for.

The difference between these events is related to their being detected by the world social network. With the natural disasters, they were all fairly easy to detect by everyone, however the 911 event did not register like other events. With 911, I never felt anything just as every where in the world didn't ¡°feel¡± anything because what ever gave rise to 911 was in absolutely no way related to the disaster in Japan and Indonesian; in other words, the September 11, 2011 event was ¡°unnatural.¡±.

It was like people in the U.S. were sleeping on the arm that would let them feel the event or the event was not something that could be transmitted by a natural network. The sign of a healthy being is one that can respond to danger; not only does it appear that there are some people in the U.S who were asleep but there are some who seem to make it their objective to propagate this sleep or numbness as I remember reports of people sending anthrax powder in the mail or calling in bomb threats all of which is unnatural and analogous to someone who are high on some drug who have no feeling, trying to get others to try it only to become ¡°senselessly¡± addicted.

My concern is the reflex I felt today when my friend in Japan said the following to me, ¡°We (Japanese) are not going to listen to western fear mongering media any longer. We have decided that being with our families and children is far more important than trying to turn away from something that the U.S. is terrified of. It's not worth it to us. We are going to enjoy the comfort and support of our loving families, because it is the only way we will survive."  My friend's firm resolve hit me like a 100 foot tsunami. There is a physical world and a non physical world; by the power of resolve reflected in my Japanese friend Hiro san I experienced an inner power of life and determination which put a spot light on the loss of feeling found in so much in the west. To speak with a Japanese friend my elder who was a good counsel during my years in Korea wrestling with a history of the U.S.A. that I never learned in school, a friend standing in a land hit by three disasters, a friend who three days before was in great distress; spoke to me today with such firm resolve showing a willingness to deal with a 9.0 quake and 23 foot tsunami as if it were but a gadfly; this event generated by my friend in Japan sent a pulse through me that made me sense something in my spirit, something that was equal in magnitude to what Japan went through had been brushed off in the physical world by my friends attitude and re-sent it in the world of the unseen. Yep, I believe the surf will be up big time in the land of the slumbering giants.

The start of this writing took a physical analogy and related it to a social information network which is greatly influenced and filtered by natural factors; it tried to pass through the science of ¡°unified field consciousness¡± but in the end close off with these thoughts. Within the last week there have been inexplicable waves passing through life causing some to question what they hold as valuable. My recent transfer from a culture where everything is in natural harmony and all had meaning in tune with nature, to a society that I have no way to comprehend. I know I was once part of this western world but the more I sought to reunite with whatever is here in the west, whatever I left behind, feels very much like trying to feel comfortable sleeping with a cadaver. Something died here and it seems like a sleep without feeling. I vaguely remember my association with a kind of life here but with the recent events in Japan and the local response to their terror and distress, I have had to do a reality check to discover if I am having delusions or not.

The more I pay attention to that subtle inner voice reflected in the northern lights and in the rising moon, the more I realize a connection to a greater Mind that feels the universe like a body. Like the many who are not experiencing a numbness or insensitivity to this major disaster in Japan, I in the same way can feel the suffering of the Japanese. This suffering detected by others around the world has been a real encouragement because it vindicates the reality of a Vast and Powerful Mind which all creatures who are free from any sense of numbness, can experience as a vital connection to, and relationship with, this Mind. Before treading on to what I consider intellectual ¡°thin ice,¡± I want to make clear the tremendous implications of this expression of sympathy and concern for the victims of the Japanese quake and tsunami. In the next page I hope to complete this writing. For now I will let this rest since I just returned from a lengthy walk up a frozen river and my body is a bit weary.









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