Authentic Perspective

Priceless View
"I Can See Clearly Now"

Aurora Wisp

Aurora Wisp

As the midnight sun grows brighter, days for viewing the aurora grow fewer. In this image is an auroral curtain part of the largest, most intense display of auroral activity that was blotted out by cloud cover. In this image it was possible to just catch the beginning of the display as the clouds formed a fitting sky of beauty for the end of a day in the arctic.

On the previous page a story was used to illustrate events in the world that most people see and understand as reality, with all the usual self evident truth. In the analogous story on the former page, most of us, like the bus driver and his passengers, take what we witness and instantly assumed it to be self evident truth, yet for the casual reader of the story, they know there is another view which holds the details of a person, who with great care, arranged and planned for the accident resulting in the death of a blind pedestrian. The reader has no doubt that the real villain isn't the intoxicated driver whose vehicle hit the blind woman as she crossed the street, rather it was the unseen person in the house on the corner.

There was no one who knew about this unseen man except the buddy just up the street, who now on his way to prison, was most assuredly distressed over charges of involuntary man slaughter he is guilty of; however, even during police transport there are fleeting lulls in his stress, this unwitting friend may have turned his sympathies back to the man in the house he failed to rescue even those his efforts resulted in the death of an innocent pedestrian. This intoxicated friend was used simply as a pawn in a game plan developed in the mind of one highly obscure individual, and again, as one could see, he was not lacking in intellectual capacity to work out the highly critical mathematical precision of timing and statistical probability in a way that reveals all the incredibly well planed efforts of a scientist. As the reader understands, these efforts are not common actions, but very carefully planned actions laid out over a two year time frame, just to see the culmination of his efforts bear fruit, be it fruit ever so deadly, as it took one life and almost two if the bus driver had failed to divert his eyes from the blind lady to the car careening out of control.

What was made clear in the little story is the existence of two very real views, one which I suggested as the true or ¡°authentic view,¡± and the other the counterfeit view. The former page clearly revealed that the majority of the world sees the ¡°true or authentic¡± view of events as the one the bus driver has, but for those who read the story, everyone knows that the truth of the homicide was ultimately the result of one very carefully planned action of someone the world never saw. From the prospective which analyzes the true cause of the homicide, the reader would quickly point to the unseen man as the master mind of the entire terrible event. But once again, before we are ready to tackle real issues of life like the 911 event, that many Americans speak of as a terrible tragedy, we must take one more visit to the house on the corner, one more careful look at a crime scene where the homicide happened on the road in front of a house where one unsocial man with a history of questionable ethics sat day after day doing what all scientists state is the firsts step in the scientific process, careful observations of a matter under study.

Why return? The return to the house on the corner is to clarify if all perspectives associated with this event. Some may think I'm wearing out an issue, however, I know for absolute certain that there are two powers in this universe that come before me as I suggest this last final visit to the house on the corner. Without detailing at the moment, I can say that one power is trying hard to get me to avoid a return trip, and another urges me to press on without delay; the former is the power that helped the man in the house carry out is deadly homicide and the latter is the motivating force that helped the bus driver try and save the woman, as well as helped him carefully assist the blind lady the three times of week he met her on his bus route.

At this point in daily writing a weakness I have is played upon and that is my ability to keep focused and moving toward a clearly seen objective. It is this weakness within me that the force that helped the man in the house attacks me. As I mentioned all the advanced intellectual characteristics of the man in the house, I'm speaking about powers of mind and spirit not some physical power. Any time we speak of intellectual qualities, we are speaking about aspects of mind and spirit, and all things related to mind and spirit are not visible, however, I'm sure all readers know that already.

My question to ask as I make a great effort to stay on track, is this, ¡°Is it possible to ascribe the qualities of mind demonstrated by the man in the house to a unique personality? By this question, I'm not asking readers if they think he's crazy or some other psychological term, no, I'm asking if the reader can think of a much more simple term. Making a great effort here, what I'm asking the reader is, ¡°Can we ascribe the behaviors and character of the man in the house with a singular noun which accurately sums up his actions and personality, and I mean here is a name that defines a character not a characteristic, for the man's characteristics were all covered in our analysis of his two year planing¡± Also, can we ascribe similar qualities of mind demonstrated by the bus driver with a unique personality?

I'm fairly sure most readers know what nouns I'm trying to locate, but for those who don't completely understand what I mean, allow me to cite some examples.1. A person who paints his face, wears funny clothing, says funny things and makes children laugh would describe, what? 2. A person who stands in front of a room and writes on a large board, tells children to read and do math and later spends a lot of time correcting papers would describe, what? 3. A person who wears a uniform, stands in the middle of busy traffic, uses a whistle and waves his hands would describe, what?

Those were just simple examples, and for those who say that number one describes a clown, number two describes a teacher and number three describes a police man, I can say you are right. You took a list a descriptive characteristics and determined I was describing a clown, teacher and policemen. The foregoing were all descriptions of physical beings, so what would happen if we tried our hand with describing invisible things? As with the people, we will cite a few examples before dealing with the third category.

You are on a sunny hill during a beautiful day in the summer. On top of the hill is a beautiful shade tree that you can lean against and view the vast expansive landscape of woodlands just outside your small rural town. The weather is warm with temperatures 77 F (25 C). In the sky are small puffy fair weather cumulus clouds. As you look at the clouds you try and imagine what they look like. As you watch these clouds, you note that they are slowly moving to the east. 1. What is making the clouds move?

As you continue to sit under the tree you hear the sound of a squirrel scampering around in the tree trying to gather acorns as the tree branches are full of these little acorns which squirrels like to collect for winter. As you continue leaning against the tree, the squirrel causes one of the acorns to drop from the branch just above where you sit. This acorn is heard suddenly hitting tree leaves and in a moment, it hits the ground beside you with a soft ¡°thud.¡± 2. What brought the acorn from a branch high above to a place on the ground beside where you sit? (Please note the question is what ¡°brought¡± and not what ¡°caused.¡±)

After almost getting hit on the head by one of the hard little acorns, you decide to move out from under the shade tree to sit in the warm sunshine. There is a slight breeze making the otherwise intense sunshine feel soothing. After a short while you feel sleepy and lay down in the sun for a cat nap. Three hours later you wake to find you fell asleep for much longer than a short nap and the clouds had become larger as they usually do on summer afternoons. Feeling a bit if a chill, you head down to your house where you meet a family member who remarks, ¡°Wow, one side of you face is very red just like you right arm.¡± 3. What caused part of the skin to turn red?

These examples being fairly rudimentary can be answered by saying for number one, ¡°The breeze or wind was making the clouds move.¡± For number two one would say, ¡°It was gravity that brought the acorn to the ground.¡± Without much more thought anyone can conclude that number three can be explained by saying, ¡°It was the ultraviolet (UV) sunlight that caused the sun burn and thus the reddening of part of the skin.¡±

All three of these things, wind, gravity, and UV sunlight are all invisible but that doesn't diminish their existence, power or influence. Now, what happens when we combine the two worlds illustrated in the two above question sets? By this question I'm asking the reader to put a name on the personality of invisible forces and powers. For example, if someone were to drop a large rock from the top of a tall city building onto a crowded city sidewalk killing someone, an investigation by police who ask him what made him do such a terrible act, could turn up a response like, ¡°Gravity made me do it.¡± Though gravity as with the acorn, is the force that caused the rock to fall but it isn't an explanation that describes the personality of an unseen character.¡± With this, we go back to our bus driver and the man in the house to seek for the personalities that would accurately describe who or what is controlling or motivating their physical behavior.

So using the same questioning strategy by which we deduce a man, by his actions in example one above, is a ¡°clown,¡± we ask the same questions with the man in the house on the corner; a man who sits day after day studying the habits of a blind lady who has to cross a busy street, a man who uses his incredible intellectual skills and knowledge of traffic timing events, along with critically exploited flaws found in his friend's personality characteristics, all with the ultimate motive to kill the blind woman all by very systematic yet highly indirect means. The motivation of such a man? Power, just the pleasure gained by using powers he is able to manipulate. How do we describe the personality of what controls such a man? Well, I don't believe at this point I would insult anyone¡¯s investigative intellect if I were to simply say that I sum up such a personality as that of a devil or Satan. Both of these nouns summarize invisible personalities with great power to do evil.

How do we describe the personality of what controls the bus driver? Again, I don't believe it's necessary to belabor the issue and simply say that I sum up the personality of the bus driver who took time to watch over the blind woman, to wait for her safe passage to the other side of the busy street before departing and in the end, risked his life in an effort to prevent her death. I take all these descriptive characteristics as belonging to that of an angel or savior and certainly the opposite of the invisible malevolent influence resident in the life of the unseen man in the house on the corner.

Taking this whole investigation and squeezing every last drop of juice out of it, I will finish by summarizing the ultimate extremes of the invisible world of beings with power. As we discovered, there are names for invisible beings with great power; some with great power to cause evil and others with great power to bring about good. Over all these beings is One who created all the invisible angelic beings and also created you and I along with every other creature, star and atom in the universe. The story of the Central Creator who is without creation and that means without beginning or end, but having always existed in eternity. The story is written in nature and it is written in every heart and mind in the universe. However, even though all of nature is one incredible testimony to the existence of this all powerful Creator, the critical fact is, the nature of the Creator is defined in simple terms of ¡°Purest Love¡± and great efforts are made to gather back all of us who have been created by this awesome Love, but there are some essential things to realize. Purest Love gave us all free will to choose to return to our origins in this Love if we will this to happen, help from this Purest Love has already been sent.

Not only have we all been given free wills to choose which way we will follow, yes as you all know from the little story at the beginning, some choose to follow The Creator who is truly our real Father, like the bus driver in the story and then there are others who choose a way that is not His way, like the man in the house on the corner. The man in the house made a decision not to follow the way of Our Father in heaven, but has made a decision to follow the one who has been fighting my every effort to write this story. As one who at one time was involved with the manufacturer of street drugs, doing business with organized crime, are people who work in service to the other two characters mentioned in relation to the man in the house on the corner.

So bottom line, how many perspective are their in the little story and in the world? There are really only two as I first mentioned, one authentic and the other counterfeit. The counterfeit view is any view not held by God Himself, the authentic is that view held by God and sees the bus driver making every effort to be His hand to save a blind woman and also sees the intoxicated driver as a simple pawn in the devils game, and the man in the house as a close associate of Satan.

Since the story about these characters, their origin, goals, influence has been written down, the most important thing I must do I relay upon that revelation as far as any written information is concerned. Most importantly, the critically essential information of how anyone could possibly be saved from these evil forces that have no respect for children and cause some angelic being to fear, has been recorded in meticulous detail in the written revelation of God given to man. This is the only trustworthy written materiel anyone could access and be assured, the Satanic forces in this universe do not want you to study about his origin as the ¡°shining angel of light¡± and not the dude with the horns, pitchfork and spiky tail.

Oh! now I understand and the light goes on. This whole web page has been like a battle field. I was once a servant of Satan and in league with his devils as I spent all my time with drugs and the occult, but when I saw where I was heading, I asked for help to escape and that help was given. I now live for one purpose and that is to serve the desires of my Father's will. However, I have something that was taken from the world that Satan rules and I have seen the inner workings of a world of darkness. I can only ask you to understand that no angel of heaven would sit and contrive twisted stories of carefully crafted homicides and write them down on a web page created for the purpose of helping others out of some Satanic traps I learned about, and even now watch being set with methodical careful patients. This force has been comfortably waiting far longer than the man in the house, as a matter of fact this very dark force is waiting for the death of one and now two generations. Why would something wait so long? Well economic seems to be important in every world, even in the realms of the underworld. If a plan that worked well for the Roman empire long ago will become a workale plan again in as little as 70 to 200 hundred years. So it goes for those who will not learn from history or learn the history of those who are the world power under Satan's caareful efforts to maximize evil by the use of proven tactics, now recycled on a new bunch of prideful unwitting neophytes.

From this point on I will that I expose actual homicides carried out with such care that they have been so carefully crafted and work out through the involvement of blood relations that no law enforcement agency could figure it out. Anyway, one of the first principles of Satanic world rule is to gain support of law enforcement and the military through the most influential people associated with their actions and control. Here we go, might as well strike a blow where the hold is the most powerful. This sounds like it should be the topic of the next page. Even as I write about the central Satanic stronghold, if there are any readers who are still here or made it this far, they will most likely know by now. I will just end this part by saying that Satan holds to the simple advice that grand mother gave out, ¡°The only way to a man's heart is through his......(ahmmm..this is a family page and if I filled that blank in, I would have to go to the wash room and wash my mind out with hydrochloric acid and a heavy duty asbestos brush. I know grown men who are still controlled by their very old mothers who must ride around the moon on their belladonna saturated broom sticks all night long.








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