A Break-up Can Be Painful
Unless it's Understood as an End To Darkness


Pain as an Ally


Pain, there is no human way to live with it. Is this an accurate statement? I was just going to get some items to deal with the common experience of doing the laundry; on my way, I began to feel pain in my lower back. For the common reader most would think, “Like so what, we all have pains.” and this is a very true statement. Can anyone say anything good about pain? Judging by how much money is poured into medical effort to escape pain, it has become clear that most people would rather sacrifice the offending part of their body that causes pain than live with it. However, what happens if someone has pain in their heart, do they go to the hospital to have it removed; ridiculous thought; however, I'm sure there are some readers who may say they have met people who have had this surgical procedure completed as a prerequisite be an acting employer. What happens if one has a head ache? There is the guillotine but after careful consideration I'm sure other actions can be taken by simply using a common pain reliever.

I read a book published more than a century ago that spoke of pain as is perceived in connection to good things in this life. To be brief, much of the material developed a theme around the pain we endure to climb a mountain, get exercise, endure surgery, give birth. This foregoing list of pain and suffering can be understood as comprehensible aspects of pain that most people experience in a life time; however, there is a list of pain which is more difficult to understand; difficult because the reasons and motives for the suffering are for a good that transcends our mere mortal life spans and I suspect that there are many who suffer this pain and need to know there is another realm beyond this short lived physical world where there are battles and struggles going on.

With the second category of pain, the author spoke of those pains associated with illness, and injury as the author himself was dying as a result of a cancerous tumor, the influence of which made writing difficult. Never-the-less, such pains compel one to seek relief or escape from the source of pain from which escape is not possible, the wise turn to the Author of life found in God for help and answers. The author (whom I will relocate and list) did however speak of this pain as also of benefit and goodness since it frequently brings us to the dilemma recorded in history, where three men were suffering the pain of crucifixion on barbaric Roman style wooden cross beams where the victim was nailed and left to die an agonizing slow death due to asphyxiation as I recall. In such cases, it is hard to find any good until one looks to the two major examples of suffering that have no reason to our understanding but does with the “Authentic Perspective” that only God can see.

The first of these examples is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the graphic account is recorded here. The second is the suffering of Job which hold a mystery too deep for mortals to grasp.

In this realm, some mortal being are chosen to endure trials here in this world that actually achieve victories in an eternal realm seen later, if and I truly mean IF these individuals not simply believe there is a God but actually have a relationship close to Him where daily communication and fellowship are realities. Words truly fail to explain what it is like to have a relationship with One who sees everything, hears everything, knows all that was, is and will be; One who can hear your thoughts before you even have a chance to find the words to express them and, this may be hard to understand, a God who has greater ease in hearing the request of those who truly belong to Him when they request a change in the weather of other events in nature and seemingly acts on these quicker than pleas for a change in a person's mind and heart with their God given “free will” toward the reality of this awesome invisible God who alone transcends time, holds all power and knows all there I to know while creating all that will be known. This latter desire is the sole reason I write these pages for they fulfill a great need to love as God loves and to reach out to anyone who needs to know the reality of a God with great Love for us, which all true scientists know and as sad as this is to say, is the main thing lacking in the Christian church today.

It is often I reflect upon the pain in my body as it is a relentless event which has me search the latter category of description with great care. My life in Korea was one of daily running and biking but since the accident, my life has changed to a life of skiing icy river roads and using my scuba gear and kayak to explore aspects of glacial rivers where I fail to find other life forms, much less people. So what has changed in my life? I suppose the accident has brought about a more intimate relationship with my loving Father in Heaven who alone holds power over events in my life. It has not been easy, but I find more good coming out of this mysterious injury to my spine for it has truly made God's power easier to see, as it is impossible for me to accomplish the tasks that bring me closer to the world of nature where His voice isn't obscured by the noise of human civilization. So it was good reading the book mention above because the pain in my back is not common yet it's not unfamiliar to me since I have lived with it since a mountain climbing incident to the Harding Icefield almost 16 years ago.

End Part 1





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