Mourning Star

Desert Night Sky
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There is an old saying that says, "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones."[1]  My life living where society has no fears or phobias of terror has been remarkably beneficial as it has provided a remarkably clear glass by which to see the world I'm now in. So people seem to be on constant lookout for stones that will be thrown at their community and society. Knowing this fear has its origin in actions that most Americans are kept from knowing, other than what their media says is "true." It is necessary to introduce a couple of notable truths.

Perfect Love casts out all fears for fear is merely a symptom of internalized wrong choices that have not been corrected. This the second absolute truth is, "A loving Father will diciline His children." How and what kind of discipline is best? A discipline that proves; 1 The fears in the West have a real reason and source. 2 The correction that must occur, has to be in a way that the people of this nation will see that they do in fact have a Father who loves them just as much as He loves his children in Japan.







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